Men have specific nutrition needs

Men have specific nutrition needs based on the hormonal blueprint - think testosterone as it is involved in fat burn, good mood, immune health, brain function, stamina, sex drive and erectile function. The majority of the health concerns men have stem from hormonal imbalances, which can already start to decline in your late twenties, depending on lifestyle stressors, addictions, diet etc.

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A 3 step approach to customized nutrition

Customized nutrition is matched to your biochemical blueprint - that's beyond diet fads and gimmicks. We all need to understand our biochemistry to nourish our health and avoid triggers unique for our body. No Size Fits All - No Diet Will Ever Fit All. I don't care if it's vegan, paleo, Dr Whatever's diet - there is no such thing as one-fits-all. The only way to take the guess work out of what will work for your body is to get tested.

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