Christina Santini can be booked for talks, full day workshops + corporate health check-ups

A health talk lasts from 45-90 min. The subject is customized according to your needs. All talks are offered at your business address, in digital format or on-site (North zealand location - seating for max 40).

If you are applying on behalf of a company, you can read more about our Health Check-ups + Health Optimization packages at workplaces here.

Below are some of Christina Santini's most popular lectures. Other themes are offered on request.


(This talk is frequently booked by companies)

- How to balance your blood sugar and have more energy (and beat that 3 o’clock dip!)

- Perfect timing: how to work with your inner clock (circadian rhythm)

- 10 Superfoods to boost your mental performance

- Top 5 nutrients everyone is lacking today

- Everyday toxins impact on our health and how to prevent disease

- Edible tips for better stress management



(This talk is frequently booked by companies)

- Current diet trends end their impact on our health and the environment (plantbased/ paleo/ keto/ carnivor)

- Gut microbiom: we are not what we eat but what we absorb

- Men’s health needs vs. Women’s health needs

- What does an anti-inflammatory diet look like?

- Practical tips for everyday health + sustainability



(This talk is frequently booked by companies)

Sleep is essential for us to perform - regardless of whether it's about stress, weight regulation, blood sugar or disease prevention, other advice doesn't work much if our sleep isn't in place. In this talk, we delve into both known and lesser-known causes of insomnia and what you can do about it. We review techniques for better sleep quality - both the edible kind and behavioral routines that can be incorporated into our lifestyle. Guaranteed there will be hacks you don’t know.

- The most widespread and overlooked causes of sleep problems today

- 5 habits that ruin your sleep

- 5 habits that makes for solid sleep

- The body's internal clock: on optimal timing for sleep quality

- About stimulants, relaxants: dosage and timing

- Strategy: how to get a good night's sleep



(This talk is frequently booked by companies)

Many of us find that we are doing everything right, but still do not feel that we are getting the full benefits. In other words: it feels as if we are working against the body instead of with it. In many of these cases, it is because we do not understand that the body has an internal clock - so-called "circadian rhythm". And it matters when we do or eat things. Did you know that greater amounts of digestive enzymes are naturally secreted at certain times of the day? And therefore it is advantageous to match our food intake with these times. Our hormones also change throughout the day, which is why we can benefit from matching WHAT we eat with the natural energy dips that occur as a result of the circadian rhythm. Many of us also experience sleep problems and stress - and in quite a few cases, this is simply because we do not plan our lifestyle in relation to our body's inner clock. In all other areas of our lives, we are aware of the importance of timing - work, relationships, etc. - but when it comes to the body's biology, it is still an overlooked factor for optimal well-being.

- What is the body's circadian rhythm

- How do we take advantage of our internal clock

- Which times are ideal for food intake

- Why do we experience a dip around 3pm

- Why do many people tend to overeat in the evening

- Top 10 adaptogenic herbs to normalize the body's rhythm when it is out of balance (stress)

- Strategies for utilizing the body's circadian rhythm: routines, activities and food



One of the most important areas of understanding how we can prevent disease today is environmental toxins. Christina Santini is a first-mover when it comes to treating environmental toxins and specializes in treating illnesses related to environmental toxins

(This talk is frequently booked by companies + patient organizations)

- What are typical symptoms that we have been exposed to environmental toxins?

- What are the typical sources of environmental toxins in our everyday life?

- Client cases and treatment examples

- The 5 most important areas of action you can take to stop exposure to environmental toxins and improve your fertility, sperm quality, fat burning, hormone balance, blood sugar, mental health and gut microbiome etc.!



(This talk is frequently booked by health companies and patient organizations)

Many of us have begun to pay attention to what we eat - too much, in fact. We have become terrified of all kinds of natural foods because we read one article after another condemning various naturally occurring substances in our food. Few of us are aware that if we have been exposed to mold, this will inevitably create a domino effect of health problems, e.g. digestive disorders - and following a restrictive diet strategy will never solve the problem.

Christina Santini has been the first therapist in Europe to treat mold illness since 2013. Mold is estimated to affect 25% of homes in Copenhagen.

- What are typical signs of mold illness?

- Which clinical testing is most accurate in determining whether you have mold toxicity?

- How to test your home the right way to reveal if there is mold (incl. hidden)

- Strategies to detox mold in the body after exposure

- Food sensitivities related to mold exposure and how to handle them



(This talk is frequently booked by health companies and patient organizations)

All ailments in our body are amplified when we have problems with our blood sugar: addiction, resistance to weight loss, mood swings, depression, insomnia, migraines, stress, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

Blood sugar imbalance is something most of us suffer from to a greater or lesser extent. With all the different diet gimmicks that either rule out one or the other fat/carb/protein, it's no wonder we get confused. We are going to sift through the science and get to the bottom of how to eat to have naturally stable blood sugar. A balanced blood sugar is key for us to be happy and full of energy during the day and can sleep soundly at night

- How you blood sugar affects your mental health

- Top 5 triggers that destroy your blood sugar

- Top 5 superfoods that will balance your blood sugar

- Facts & Myths about blood sugar and diets

- Stress, hormones + blood sugar

- Re-activation of your fatburnhormones

- Top 10 tips for a stable blood sugar within 30 days

KICKSTART DIN FEDTFORBRÆNDINGTake-aways- Detox af fedt-blokkere- Aktivering af din fedtforbrændingszone- De 8 nøgle mikronutrienter- 5 Videnskabeligt Dokumenterede Urter For Vægttab- Salt, kaffe og andre myter om vægttab- Appetitregulering og hormon…


(This talk is frequently booked by companies and patient organizations)

- What is blocking you from burning that fat?

- How to activate your inner fatburn machine

- 3 key nutrients for optimal metabolism

- Salt, coffee and myths about weightloss

- How to retrain your appetite regulation and hunger

- How to take back control of your cravings

- The perfect balance between fat, protein and carbs for long-term weightloss

- Meal timing for optimal fatburn



(This talk is frequently booked by health companies and patient organizations)

We live today in a world where the soil is heavily depleted (up to 80% lower nutrient content compared to 1940). At the same time, we have an increased need for the protection of minerals. Minerals are more important than ever to protect us from daily exposure to heavy metals, viruses and radiation. We will review the most important minerals to support gut health, immune system, cellular health, mental health and bone strength. We will touch on widespread deficiencies, symptoms and causes of mineral imbalances.

- The function of minerals on our wellbeing

- How modern life is affecting our need for minerals

- The 4 key minerals 80% of us are deficient in

- Minerals impact on our ability to detox from heavy metals

- Mineral deficiencies and bone health

- Strategies for stronger bones, brain and body



About wireless technology - how it affects our health today and what you can do about it

(This talk is frequently booked by patient organizations)

Did you know that the Danish Health Authority recommends reducing our use of cellphones? Smartphones, wi-fi, and wireless technology have become important components of daily life. Their harmful effects on the body, especially on the nervous system, have gradually become quite well studied. According to research, man-made EMF can affect our body's nervous system and cause damage to the cells. Several studies have reported that exposure to EMF from our smart gadgets and cell phones results in oxidative stress and inflammation in many tissues of the body. Fact is wireless technology is here to stay and we need to understand some basic guidelines on how to navigate in this new world without compromising our health.

- How EMF radiation from mobile phones and wifi affects our health

- Where does the science stand?

- About radiation exposure and fertility, sperm quality, insomnia, migraines and other health risks

- Protective antioxidants and minerals

- Strategies to minimize EMF exposure

MÆNDS SÆRLIGE SUNDHEDSBEHOV: STAMINA, LIBIDO OG BRAINPOWERTake-aways- Mænd og deres unikke sundhedsbehov- Top 5 testosteron boosters- Koststrategi for muskler og recovery- Spis dig til bedre potens: Hvad siger videnskaben?- Hormoner og anti-aging st…


(This talk is frequently booked by executive level and networking groups)

- Men and their unique health needs

- Top 5 testosterone boosters

- Nutrition strategy for muscle optimization

- Eat your way to better libido: What does the science say?

- How to boost dopamin, drive, brainpower og mental focus

KVINDERS HORMONER, FERTILITET OG SKØNHEDSPLEJETake-aways- Strategier for bedre østrogen balance- Fakta om brystcancer- Top 10 superfoods for hormonel harmoni- 8 sundhedstips til bedre fertilitet- 3 ting at tjekke hvis du ikke kan blive gravid- Kostm…


(This talk is frequently booked by networking groups)

- Strategies for better estrogen, progesterone and testosterone balance

- Top 10 superfoods for balanced hormones

- Top tips to prevent breast cancer

- 8 health tips for better fertility

- 3 things to check if you can’t get pregnant

- Why women DO NOT thrive on the same diet as men. Hint: serotonin

ANTI-AGING (uden fillers)Vidste du at din lever er dit anti-aging organ nr. 1? At din lever er ansvarlig for at omsætte hormoner og afgifte. Fungerer din lever ikke vil du se det på din hud og du vil døje med nedsat fedtforbrænding samt hormonelle u…


(This talk is frequently booked by networking groups)

Did you know that early gray hair is related to mineral deficiencies and early aging? And you can do something about it! And did you know that your liver is your anti-aging organ no. 1? That your liver is responsible for converting hormones, detoxification and burning fat? If your liver is not functioning optimally, you will see it on your skin, and you will suffer from reduced fat burning and hormonal imbalances - things we usually treat as symptoms out of context to the whole.

- Identification of typical causes of premature aging

- Top 5 strategies for better liver health

- The most important minerals and vitamins linked to the reduction of wrinkles + optimization of collagen production

- Things in your fridge that you can use in skin care

- Top 5 superfoods for healthier hair, skin and nails

- The 10 commandments for beauty from within



(This talk is frequently booked by companies and networking groups)

Are you always hungry and need to control your food intake? Get tips to re-establish hunger and satiety signals and let go of food control.

- Why do we overeat?

- Why can't we just "willpower it"?

- Biochemical parameters in our hunger-satiety signaling

- The big gluten and sugar scare

- Are there any foods that are addictive?

- What can be done to prevent overeating?



(This talk is frequently booked by health organizations, treatment clinics and patient organizations)

- Anorexia, Bulimia, Orthorexia and Binge Eating: An Introduction

- Biological and societal risk parameters for the development of an eating disorder

- Neurobiological characteristics of the different types of eating disorders

- Can you become addicted to food?

- Are there substances in food that are addictive?

- Can you become addicted to starving yourself, or is it just "mental"?

- Why do some develop one type of eating disorder while others another?

- Physiological consequences of the different types of eating disorders

- Dietary strategies to repair the damage that occurs after an eating disorder

- Tips for re-establishing fertility and hormones

- 5 pieces of advice for relatives and parents

Veganer, Keto og andre koststrategier mod kræftHvad siger forskningen og hvordan finder vi vej i den jungle af mad myter der florerer mht. kræftforebyggelse, kræftbehandling samt strategier under kemo.Take-aways- Hvornår er keto-kuren relevant for k…


Plantbased, keto og other nutrition strategies against cancer

(This talk is frequently booked by patient organizations)

What does the research say and how do we find our way in the maze of food myths with regard to cancer prevention, cancer treatment and strategies during chemo.

- When is the keto diet relevant for cancer

- Which dietary strategies are best during chemo

- Phytoestrogens and hormonal cancer - what to know

- Which nutrient deficiencies are frequently found in cancer patients

- Which amino acids have been shown to be anti-cancer

- Which foods should be avoided in connection with a cancer diagnosis

How to avoid weight loss during chemotherapy

- What is an evidence-based dietary strategy against cancer

SYMPTOMBEHANDLING vs. ÅRSAGSBEHANDLING AF CANCERVidste du at cancer celler vokser i os alle lige nu? Den eneste grund til at een udvikler cancer mens en anden ikke gør er, at vores krop er blevet cancervenlig. Hovedparten af cancerbehandling idag er…


(This talk is frequently booked by patient organizations)

Did you know that cancer cells are growing in all of us right now? The only reason one develops cancer while another does not is that our body - our internal environment - has become cancer-friendly. How does that happen? And what can we do to prevent it? The majority of cancer treatment today is still narrowed down to symptom treatment in many cases. To treat cancer is to treat symptoms - therefore our cure rate is still lacking. If, on the other hand, we also treat the CAUSE of why cancer can grow in the first place, we have a recipe for an effective long-term treatment strategy.

- Symptom treatment of cancer vs. treating the cause treatment

- Can you starve cancer?

- Which laboratory tests provide answers to causes of cancer?

- Client case examples

- Cancer-causing chemicals and environmental toxins: how to navigate

- Best cancer prevention strategies



(This talk is frequently booked by patient organizations)

Breast cancer has increased epidemically in the last 10 years, and we will review why and what you can do to help reverse the course: What triggers the breast cancer gene and what can inactivate it.

- Essential lifestyle changes for hormone balance

- The difference between phyto-estrogens and isoflavones

- How to detox fake estrogen (xeno-estrogens)

- Which foods should be avoided when you have breast cancer

- Science translated into edible guidelines



(This talk is frequently booked by patient organizations)

We will review strategies to strengthen the immune system as well as vitamins and minerals and therapeutic action in relation to different types of cancer.

NB: As we are dealing with general scenarios, this cancer protocol is not a complete protocol for each specific cancer type - these should be taken in a private consultation. Furthermore, it is important to be aware that certain vitamins should not be taken at the same time as certain types of medicine as well as chemotherapy and radiation, as contraindications may arise. I recommend that you clarify with your doctor before you start.

- How to strengthen the immune system

- Vitamin therapy: what and how much?

- Minerals and cancer types

- Dietary supplements and bioavailability: what can the body absorb?

- Are there supplements you should avoid?


A snapshot of christina santini’s health talks

Christina Santini has given keynote lectures, talks and created tasting demos and food-as-medicine cooking courses for medical clinics in LA and New York, SOHO HOUSE, ASMALLWORLD, Boston Consulting Group, BODY SDS as well as patient associations such as Tidslerne and Dansk Dercum Forening, Kildehøj Private Hospital, SundLivsstil fair in Øksnehallen, the Fertility Fair, Copenhagen Health Club, LitUpp, Hellebæk Friskole and at international conferences for OMICS and the Cancer Conference together with reknowned medical doctor Claus Hancke and the radio doctor Carsten Vagn Hansen.

Christina is incredibly inspiring with a wealth of knowledge
— Workshop participant, Tidslerne, Danish cancer patient organization
It was a thorough and at the same time easily manageable review of the latest research in cancer treatment. It was very useful.
— Workshop participant, Tidslerne, Danish cancer patient organization
Du er bestemt en af de engle, der går på denne jord og din viden er til stor gavn for vores medlemmer!
— Charlotte Jacobsen, Coordinator, Workshop participant, Tidslerne, Danish cancer patient organization
Thank you so much for your inspiring talk! If only you were available in a bottle to-go.
— Workshop participant, Tidslerne, Danish cancer patient organization