5 Strategies to get Winter ready, body, mind and soul
5:30 PM17:30

5 Strategies to get Winter ready, body, mind and soul

Did you know that each season has a unique energy and thus affects us in very specific ways? 

The more we understand the intelligence of nature and how we can work with nature and our own biology instead of against it, the easier and more effortless it becomes to thrive in the skin we are in. 

In this talk we will dive into nourishing strategies for our body, mind and soul to stay well during the cold season and be better prepared to combat the common cold and low mood, so many deal with during Winter season. Each season has its own magic formula we need to master in order to truly thrive.

- The energetic needs of Winter

- 5 Superfoods for Winter

- Working with your circadian rhythm

- Tips for beating SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

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Conference talk: How to protect ourselves from EMF (wireless technology) (ENGLISH/GERMAN/FRENCH)
9:30 AM09:30

Conference talk: How to protect ourselves from EMF (wireless technology) (ENGLISH/GERMAN/FRENCH)

I will be doing a talk on “How to Protect Ourselves From EMFs” at the annual Europeans for Safe Connections Conference in Germany.

ESC would like to continue the tradition started by our friends in Belgium of an EHS gathering in Europe. We have found a white zone* in the middle of Germany which you will surely like. The event is for all ESC members and member organisations and for anybody else with interests in ESC and EHS.

Come and have a good time with other nice people from all over Europe!

There will be comfortable housing facilities with single rooms, 2-bed rooms, 3/5-bed rooms with own or shared bathroom. You can also stay outside in the grounds or in the nearby wood in your tent, or you can come and stay in your motor home/caravan or your car.

All outdoor guests will have access to bathroom facilities as well. Healthy organic (bio) meals will be served 3 times a day and there will be coffee, tea all through!

Conference language will be mainly English, but also German and French.

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5 Keys To Thrive Effortlessly (ENGLISH only)
1:00 PM13:00

5 Keys To Thrive Effortlessly (ENGLISH only)


(This talk is frequently booked by companies)

- How to balance your blood sugar and have more energy (and beat that 3 o’clock dip!)

- Perfect timing: how to work with your inner clock (circadian rhythm)

- Health hacks for on-demand energy

- Nutrients everyone is lacking today

- Health trends do’s and don’ts

- Is there a “perfect” diet to thrive in the long run?

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Why we have to deal with the radiation problem (ZOOM WEBINAR + DANISH ONLY. DETTE EVENT AFHOLDES PÅ DANSK)
7:00 PM19:00

Why we have to deal with the radiation problem (ZOOM WEBINAR + DANISH ONLY. DETTE EVENT AFHOLDES PÅ DANSK)

Did you know that the Health Authorities actually recommend reducing our use of mobile phones? Smartphones, wi-fi, etc. have become important components of daily life. Their harmful effects on the body, especially on the nervous system, have gradually become quite well studied. According to a lot of research, unnatural EMF can affect our body's nervous system and cause damage to cells. Cancer and unusual growths can be a symptom of very high EMF exposure. Several studies have reported that exposure to EMF results in oxidative stress in many tissues of the body. Exposure to EMF is known to increase concentrations of free radicals. This results in increased oxidative stress and chronic inflammation as the antioxidant defense system is unable to prevent the damaging effects of free radicals. The World Health Organization initially considered these sources of non-ionizing EMF radiation to be safe because they were only assessed based on their thermal effects - and that, quite correctly, is not harmful to health. However, it turns out that cell damage has not been taken into account in these conclusions.


- How EMF radiation from mobile phones, cell-towers and Wi-Fi affects our health

- What does the research say?

- Dietary strategies to protect us in a not-so-smart “smartgadget” world

- Protective antioxidants and minerals

- Strategies to minimize exposure

To sign up for webinar please go here: https://tidslerne.nemtilmeld.dk/296/

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Mold - when your home makes you sick! (ZOOM webinar + Danish only. Dette event afholdes på dansk)
7:00 PM19:00

Mold - when your home makes you sick! (ZOOM webinar + Danish only. Dette event afholdes på dansk)

Many of us have gradually begun to pay more attention to what we eat - too much, in fact. We have become terrified of all kinds of natural foods because we read one article after another condemning various naturally occurring substances in our food. For many of us, it is no longer simply about avoiding unwanted and documented unhealthy dangerous synthetic chemistry, but about following a diet that focuses on various eliminations on top of that. Many people's symptoms are real , but the hypersensitivity to even the smallest things is fundamentally about something completely different than our food - regardless of the fact that it can trigger the symptoms.

Christina Santini has been the first therapist in Europe to treat mold exposure since 2013. Did you know that 25% af astma is linked to mold exposure? How about we treated the cause instead of the symptom! It is important to get a handle on our basic needs for healthy air and clean water before we embark on more advanced dietary trends - especially since diet does not help much if our water and air are highly polluted. Gain insight into whether this is a problem for you and possibly related to your symptoms and get help to find out how it can be best managed.


- How to best test for mold in the home

- How to check if YOU are affected by mold

- Strategies to eliminate mold in the body after exposure

- About natural remedies, medicines and dietary strategies for effective detox of mold

To sign up for webinar please go here: https://tidslerne.nemtilmeld.dk/295/

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Essential minerals in today’s world (ZOOM webinar + Danish only - dette event afholdes på dansk)
7:00 PM19:00

Essential minerals in today’s world (ZOOM webinar + Danish only - dette event afholdes på dansk)

Minerals are one of the single most important factors in overall health status. We will go over the most important minerals to support gut health, immune health, mental health, skin and bones.


- Cell health and the importance of minerals

- How radiation (emf) affects our nervous system and mineral needs today

- The 4 most important minerals over 80% of us are missing

- The importance of minerals for the detoxification of heavy metals

- Is osteoporosis always an indicator of calcium deficiency?

- Mineral deficiencies seen in connection with osteoporosis + strategies for strong bones

To sign up for webinar please go here: https://tidslerne.nemtilmeld.dk/294/

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Eating for peak performance in the workplace (private event)
3:00 PM15:00

Eating for peak performance in the workplace (private event)

· What does an anti-inflammatory diet look like?

· Plant-based diets vs. paleo/meat-based diets

· Gut health 101: we are what we eat - or rather what we absorb and utilize

· Men's health needs vs. women's health needs

· Understanding your body type and what that means in terms of eating guidelines

· Everyday toxins and how they affect us/what can we do about it

· Putting it all together: translating science into practical everyday eating guidelines to sustain us (and the planet)

This event is a closed event for Boston Consulting Group.

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ONLINE TALK: How toxicity is sabotaging our health
3:00 PM15:00

ONLINE TALK: How toxicity is sabotaging our health

You can re-listen to this talk here: https://holisticnootropics.com/christinasantini/

This podcast is all about DETOX with Christina Santini CN, RYT, CTT.

We discuss how nutrition and supplements are limited by a person’s underlying toxic exposure. As a clinical nutritionist, Christina has seen diets come and go but truly believes that the only path to true health is by eliminating the underlying factors that sabotage your health.

Topics Discussed

  • Nutrition is more than just about calories in, calories out

  • People should not be afraid of foods

  • “Eat in moderation” is outdated

  • Chemicals in the environment and drinking water sabotage the thyroid

  • Keto Hangover

  • Keto can increase weak bones

  • Thiamin and B12 affect stomach acid

  • Low stomach acid affects anemia

  • Magnesium deficiency comes from kidney issues sometimes

  • Toxicity sabotages organ function

  • Asthma connected to mold

  • Low carb not good for candida

  • Auto-Brewer’s Syndrome

  • Brain Fog

  • Detox Mercury with Cilantro, Chlorella

  • S. Boulardi for gut Candida along with Caprylic Acid, Black Walnut, Wild Oregano

  • Heavy metals correlated with higher candida

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ONLINE WEBINAR: The Essential Role Of Detoxification in Modern Life (ENGLISH ONLY)
8:00 PM20:00

ONLINE WEBINAR: The Essential Role Of Detoxification in Modern Life (ENGLISH ONLY)

How do we navigate a toxic world and what is most important? Join Christina Santini, Human Nutrition and Biological Medicine practitioner to find out what it is our bodies actually need to detox from and how to do it. Tune in on Tuesday, March 2nd at 20:00 CET for an unmissable event!

ASMALLWORLD Members are invited to join an online webinar on "The Essential Role of Detoxification in Modern Life" with guest speaker Christina Santini as part of our ASMALLWORLD Webinars Series.

New year, new me! At the beginning of each year, detox diets spike as people desperately look for new ways to jumpstart their health. During this webinar, Christina will be focusing on what it is we actually need to detox from as well as what works and what doesn't based on clinical lab testing and medical case stories.

Tune in to this Zoom Webinar for ASmallWorld members on Tuesday, March 2nd at 20:00 CET (20:00 Zurich, 19:00 London, 14:00 New York).

To join live click here (membership required).

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Toxiner og deres indflydelse på vores sundhed idag (DANISH ONLY: TOXINS + OUR HEALTH)
4:45 PM16:45

Toxiner og deres indflydelse på vores sundhed idag (DANISH ONLY: TOXINS + OUR HEALTH)

Lukket foredrag for BODY-SDS i PARKEN.

Hvordan navigerer vi i en toxisk verden og hvad er vigtigst?

Eksempler fra klient-cases og typisk laboratorie udredning når det gælder kræftfremkaldende stoffer.


- Hvad er de typiske kilder til forgiftningsproblematikker?

- Hvordan påvirker de forskellige typer af giftstoffer os sundhedsmæssigt?

- Hjælp til identifikation af egne toxin problematikker

- Case eksempler på forgiftnings problematikker

- De 5 vigtigste indsatsområder du kan gøre for at stoppe eksponering uden at blive hysterisk-fanatisk

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ONLINE WEBINAR: Kræftfremkaldende stoffer i hverdagen (Cancer-causing compounds in everyday life - DANISH ONLY)
11:00 AM11:00

ONLINE WEBINAR: Kræftfremkaldende stoffer i hverdagen (Cancer-causing compounds in everyday life - DANISH ONLY)

Hvordan navigerer vi i en toxisk verden og hvad er vigtigst?

Eksempler fra klient-cases og typisk laboratorie udredning når det gælder kræftfremkaldende stoffer.

Take-aways fra dette foredrag:

- Hvad er de typiske kilder til forgiftnings problematikker?

- Hvordan påvirker de forskellige typer af giftstoffer os sundhedsmæssigt?

- Hjælp til identifikation af egne toxin problematikker

- Case eksempler på forgiftnings problematikker

- De 5 vigtigste indsatsområder du kan gøre for at stoppe eksponering uden at blive hysterisk-fanatisk

Tilmeld dig til dette online foredrag her: https://tidslerne.nemtilmeld.dk/174/

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ONLINE WEBINAR: Mineralernes essentielle betydning for den tid vi lever i (Minerals and their vital role for modern living - DANISH ONLY)
11:00 AM11:00

ONLINE WEBINAR: Mineralernes essentielle betydning for den tid vi lever i (Minerals and their vital role for modern living - DANISH ONLY)

De vigtigste mineraler til at støtte vores immunforsvar, mentale sundhed og knoglesundhed. Udbredte mangler, symptomer og årsager til mineralubalancer mv.

Take-aways fra dette foredrag:
- Celle sundhed og mineralernes betydning
- Hvordan stråling (emf) påvirker vores nervesystem og mineralbehov idag
- De 4 vigtigste mineraler over 80% af os mangler og som man ikke kan spise sig til
- Mineralernes betydning for afgiftning af tungmetaller
- Er knogleskørhed altid indikator for kalk-mangel?
- Mineralmangler der ses i forbindelse med knogleskørhed + strategier for stærke knogler

Tilmelding til dette online webinar her: https://tidslerne.nemtilmeld.dk/173/

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ONLINE WEBINAR: Mad mod kræft: Veganisme, keto-kure mv. (Eat to beat cancer: veganism, keto-diets and more - DANISH ONLY)
11:00 AM11:00

ONLINE WEBINAR: Mad mod kræft: Veganisme, keto-kure mv. (Eat to beat cancer: veganism, keto-diets and more - DANISH ONLY)

Hvad siger forskningen og hvordan finder vi vej i den jungle af mad myter der florerer mht. kræftforebyggelse, kræftbehandling samt strategier under kemo.

Take-aways fra dette foredrag:

- Hvornår er keto-kuren relevant for kræft?

- Hvilke kost-strategier er bedst under kemo?

- Fytoøstrogener og hormon-kræft - hvad skal man vide

- Hvilke næringsstofmangler finder man hyppigt hos kræftpatienter?

- Hvilke næringsstofmangler finder man hyppigt hos veganere?

- Hvilke aminosyrer har vist sig at være anti-cancer?

- Animalske produkter der bør undgås i forbindelse med kræftbehandling

Tilmeld dig til dette online webinar her: https://tidslerne.nemtilmeld.dk/172/

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ONLINE WEBINAR: The link between toxicity and our chronic health issues (Danish only event for Danish Biohacker Society)
8:00 PM20:00

ONLINE WEBINAR: The link between toxicity and our chronic health issues (Danish only event for Danish Biohacker Society)

Toxiner og hormonforstyrrende stoffer i vores hverdag. Hvordan navigerer vi i en toxisk verden og hvad er vigtigst?

Eksempler fra klient-cases og typisk laboratorieudredning


- Hvad er de typiske kilder til forgiftningsproblematikker?

- Hvordan påvirker de forskellige typer af giftstoffer os sundhedsmæssigt?

- Hormonforstyrrende stoffer og mænds sundhedsproblemer - en overset epidemi

- Hjælp til identifikation af egne toxinproblematikker

- Case eksempler på forgiftningsproblematikker

- De 5 vigtigste indsatsområder du kan gøre for at stoppe eksponering uden at blive hysterisk-fanatisk

Tilmelding via facebookgruppen for “Danish Biohacker Society” her: https://www.facebook.com/DanishBiohackerCommunity/

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Natural strategies for anti-aging (DANISH only)
5:00 PM17:00

Natural strategies for anti-aging (DANISH only)

Did you know that your liver is your # 1 anti-aging organ? That your liver is responsible for metabolizing hormones and detoxifying.

If your liver does not work you will see it in your skin and may also suffer with reduced ability to burn fat as well as hormonal imbalances - things we most often treat as symptoms rather than identifying the underlying cause.


  • Strategies for liver health

  • Identification of typical causes of sluggish and early aging

  • What we see at the clinic: Mineral and vitamin deficiencies linked to early aging, wrinkles, cellulite and collagen production

  • The skin also eats - supplements for the skin inside and out

  • What do we know about "The Blue Zones" (areas of the world where people live the longest)

Write to viva@vitaviva.com for registration. It is only when you receive a confirmation and have paid that your seat is valid (350 DKK).

As a bonus for this event you have the opportunity to get 20% on supplements on the evening itself. You also have the opportunity to order a heavy metal and mineral analysis by Christina Santini. Price for the customer event 1250DKK / normal price 1750DKK - save 500DKK

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Detox myths and facts (DANISH only)
5:00 PM17:00

Detox myths and facts (DANISH only)

Most of all chronic conditions can be linked to various toxicity issues -however, if we don't test for it, we can't treat it.

We will talk about myths and facts about detox. Is there evidence to "detoxify" and what’s up with all these detox gimmicks and diets. We will discuss what causes the body to have various chronic symptoms such as hormonal imbalances - obesity - migraines - skin problems - digestive disorders etc.


Myths and facts about detox

Causes of chronic disorders

The primary places we are exposed

Should everyone detox?

Simple strategies to navigate around the worst sources without going nuts

Contact vita@vitaviva.com to sign up for this event.

Read more here: Read more here: https://vitaviva.com/newsletters/CustomerEvent2020/

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Sundhedsstrategier til Den 3. Alder (Simple strategies for ageless longevity - DANISH ONLY)
1:00 PM13:00

Sundhedsstrategier til Den 3. Alder (Simple strategies for ageless longevity - DANISH ONLY)

Foredrag for ÆldreSagen om sundhedsstrategier for den 3. alder.

Hvad er små ting man kan gøre dagligt, der skaber en stor ændring på sig?

Hvad ved vi om livsstilsfaktorerne de steder, hvor mennesker lever længst (The Blue Zones)?

Hvordan kan man spise sig til stabilt blodsukker?

Hvad skal man vide om “hjernemad” for at holde sig skarp livet igennem?

Lukket arrangement via ÆldreSagen. Tilmelding ej muligt.

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Mænds sundhedsbehov (men's health needs - DANISH ONLY)
4:00 PM16:00

Mænds sundhedsbehov (men's health needs - DANISH ONLY)

I en verden hvor den ene bog sælger veganisme og den anden sælger til kødspiseren - hvad er så optimalt for manden der gerne vil være naturligt sund og optimere sin fysiske og mentale skarphed?

Hvad karakteriserer mænds unikke sundhedsbehov, når det skal omsættes til mad, fysisk aktivitet og kosttilskud?

Hvordan booster man testosteron naturligt og nedsætter risiko for diabetes, hjertekarsygdomme + seksuelle problemer.

Jeg holder foredrag på SundLivsstil messen søndag d. 29. september kl 16-17 i den store sal.

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Skimmelsvamp - den skjulte sundhedstrussel (mold toxicity - DANISH ONLY)
3:00 PM15:00

Skimmelsvamp - den skjulte sundhedstrussel (mold toxicity - DANISH ONLY)

Vidste du at skimmelsvamp er linket til migræne, infertilitet både hos mænd og kvinder, østrogen dominans, ledsmerter og hormon cancer? Hvis du bor et sted der er en sundhedstrussel, vil du aldrig kunne spise dig rask.

Få strategier til hvordan du kommer symptomerne kvit og identificerer tegn på forgiftning af mykotoxiner fra skimmelsvamp.

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Health hacks at SoHo House, Amsterdam (English only)
7:30 PM19:30

Health hacks at SoHo House, Amsterdam (English only)






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Cancer selvhjælpskursus (DANISH ONLY)
11:00 AM11:00

Cancer selvhjælpskursus (DANISH ONLY)

Jeg holder et unikt 1 dags selvhjælpskursus til cancerpatienter søndag 28. april kl 11-16:30 til en næsten-gratis pris, hvor man går hjem med konkrete evidensbaserede strategier man kan implementere i sin hverdag for at blive rask. Fokus er på årsagsbehandling af cancer - vi vil gennemgå årsager til cancer i fællesskab og identificere redskaber til behandling. Der serveres en super lækker vegetarisk frokost. Vi ses i Præstø. Tilmelding her: https://tidslerne.nemtilmeld.dk/93/

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Biologien bag sulten (DANISH ONLY)
7:00 PM19:00

Biologien bag sulten (DANISH ONLY)

  • Landsforeningen Natursundhedsrådet (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Er du altid sulten og skal styre dit madindtag? Få tips til at genetablere sult- og mætheds-signaler og slip madkontrollen

Take-away fra foredraget:

Hvorfor overspiser vi?

- Hvorfor kan vi ikke bare “lukke munden og lette røven”?

- Biokemiske parametre i vores sult-mæthedssignalering

- Den store gluten og sukker forskrækkelse

- Er der nogle fødevarer der er addiktive?

- Hvad kan man gøre for at forebygge overspisningen?

Tilmelding til foredraget er åbent for alle - tilmeld dig på hjemmesiden: https://lns.dk/

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10 Skridt til Stabilt Blodsukker (DANISH ONLY)
7:00 PM19:00

10 Skridt til Stabilt Blodsukker (DANISH ONLY)

  • Landsorganisationen Natursundhedsrådet (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Vidste du, at hvis du har forhøjet kviksølv i kroppen fra f.eks. fisk og tandfyldninger, vil du konstant have blodsukkerproblemer, uanset hvad du spiser? Blodsukker-ubalance er noget de fleste af os idag døjer med i mere eller mindre grad - ofte grundet mineralmangler, toxinforgiftninger samt at vi ganske enkelt ikke aner, hvordan man spiser for at have naturligt stabilt blodsukker, så vi er glade og fulde af energi om dagen, og kan sove tungt om natten. Med alle de forskellige kure der enten udelukker det ene eller det andet - typisk spiller frugt og kulhydrater en central rolle i disse filosofier - er det ikke mærkeligt, at vi bliver forvirrede. Derfor skal vi se på, hvad vi rent faktisk videnskabeligt ved virker for stabilt blodsukker. Alle lidelser i vores krop forstærkes, når vi har problemer med vores blodsukker: afhængighed og misbrug, vægttabsresistens, humørsvingninger, depression, søvnløshed, toxinforgiftninger, migræne, stress, hjerte- og karsygdomme, diabetes, cancer. Vi vil gennemgå 10 skridt du kan tage for at få stabilt blodsukker naturligt og medicinfrit.

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Cancer konferencen - en anden vej: Hvad gør kroppen cancervenlig? (DANISH ONLY)
10:00 AM10:00

Cancer konferencen - en anden vej: Hvad gør kroppen cancervenlig? (DANISH ONLY)

Jeg holder foredrag på Cancer konferencen - en anden vej:

Om forskellen mellem at symptombehandle cancer og årsagen til cancer

Vidste du at cancerceller vokser i os alle lige nu? Den eneste grund til at een udvikler cancer mens en anden ikke gør er, at vores krop er blevet cancervenlig. Hovedparten af cancerbehandling idag er stadig snævret ind til i mange tilfælde symptombehandling. Hvis vi ikke kender den unikke årsag til, hvorfor netop vi har fået cancer, kan vi ikke behandle succesfuldt. At behandle cancer er at symptombehandle - derfor vores helbredelsesrate stadig er mangelfuld. Behandler vi derimod ÅRSAGEN til at cancer kan vokse, har vi opskriften på en effektiv behandlingsstrategi.

Typisk er fokus på at undgå tobak og spise varieret - mange får trods det alligevel konstateret cancer i dag og står tilbage med spørgsmålet hvorfor? Christina Santini vil gennemgå konkrete årsager til cancer samt de væsentligste laboratorietest man bør få lavet for netop at finde roden til hvorfor kroppen er blevet cancervenlig. Kender vi ikke årsagen, kan vi ikke behandle korrekt, og vi sidder fast i symptombehandling - uanset om vi arbejder med konventionel, integrativ medicin eller plantemedicin.

Take-aways fra foredraget:

  • Symptombehandling af cancer vs. årsagsbehandling

  • Laboratorietest til at finde årsager til cancer

  • Typiske laboratorieresultater og behandlingsstrategier

  • Toxiner, tungmetaller og pesticider - hvor meget betyder det?

  • Og hvad skal jeg spise: Kan man udsulte cancer?

Køb din billet her.     

Download invitation her.

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3:30 PM15:30


  • 2 Hindsgavl Alle Middelfart, 5500 Denmark (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Foredrag for foreningen Tidslernes årlige personalemøde i Middelfart. Vidste du at hovedparten af hudlidelser kan traces tilbage til toxiner i kroppen? At hvis du nogensinde har boet eller arbejdet et sted med f.eks. skimmelsvamp, vil de stadig være i din krop idag. Skimmelsvamp er linket til hormonforstyrrelser, cancer, hududslæt, nedsat leverfunktion, vægtøgning og migræne. Disse ting kan løses når vi får identificeret hvilket giftstoffer der blokerer vores krop fra at fungere optimalt. Og vidste du at tungmetaller som bly sætter sig i hjernen og er linket til bl.a. depression? Når vores krop angriber sig selv, eller ikke fungerer optimalt, er det første vi skal undersøge hvilke blokeringer vi har. Disse kan vi både have arvet fra vores forældre (tungmetaller) eller via vores boplads og drikkevand. Først derefter vil vi få fuld gavn af at reparere og genopbygge kroppen via mad, kosttilskud etc.

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Detox strategier der virker - tungmetaller, toxiner og andre giftstoffer der dræber os idag. (DANISH ONLY)
7:00 PM19:00

Detox strategier der virker - tungmetaller, toxiner og andre giftstoffer der dræber os idag. (DANISH ONLY)

  • Landsforeningen NaturSundhedsrådet (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Toxiner og din sundhed - få detox strategier der virker (nej, det er ikke juicekure).
Vidste du at hovedparten af de kroniske lidelser vi har idag kan traces tilbage til toxiner i kroppen? At mange hudlidelser inkl. psoriasis oftest skyldes specifikke giftstoffer der kommer til udtryk ved at vores hud  bl.a. svækkes. Lidelser der diagnosticeres som værende kroniske, men som kun er det, fordi vi ikke tester for og behandler de årsagsgivende symptomer. Og vidste du, at hvis du nogensinde har boet eller arbejdet et sted med f.eks. skimmelsvamp, vil de stadig være i din krop idag. Skimmelsvamp er linket til hormonforstyrrelser, cancer, hududslæt, nedsat leverfunktion, vægtøgning og migræne. Disse ting kan løses når vi får identificeret hvilket giftstoffer, der blokerer vores krop fra at fungere optimalt. Og vidste du at tungmetaller som bly sætter sig i hjernen og er linket til bl.a. depression? Når vores krop angriber sig selv, eller ikke fungerer optimalt, er det første vi skal undersøge hvilke blokeringer vi har - disse kan vi både have arvet fra vores forældre (tungmetaller) eller via vores boplads og drikkevand. Først derefter vil vi få fuld gavn af at reparere og genopbygge kroppen via mad, kosttilskud etc.

Tilmelding via Landsorganisationen NaturSundhedsrådet på tlf: 60 70 48 87 eller email: vhm@Lns.dk

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