heavy metal detox


What is heavy metal poisoning?

Heavy metals are linked to infertility, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, blood sugar problems, weight loss resistance as well as mental disorders such as schizophrenia, paranoia, depression, mood swings, aggressiveness as well as ADHD and autism.

In order to treat these disorders, you have to find out which heavy metals are involved as well as identify what other blockages your body is suffering from, before starting to detox heavy metals.

For example, if we have hepatic impairment due to mycotoxins, our ability to detoxify heavy metals will be poor, because detoxification goes through the liver.

Heavy metal poisoning problems require a complete investigation to make a targeted program that actually works in practice.

The first step is, of course, to find out if you are heavy metal poisoning. Next, identify the sources of one's intoxication to ensure that one is not still exposed.

I often find heavy metal poisoning in those of us who:

  • Have mercury fillings - even if they have been removed.

  • Eat gluten-free products based on rice flour.

  • Have worked in traditional men’s work areas (exposure to lead, cadmium and other heavy metals typically).

  • Have lived close to industry areas.

  • Have been vegan due to the lack of zinc makes us more susceptible to heavy metals in our environment.

  • Have used regular deodorant and used non-stick pans throughout a lifetime.

You can book time for a simple heavy metal test to see if this is a problem for you.

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