CLIENT Before & After

We are specialists in detailed interdisciplinary health checks with tailored advice. The health check can become a turning point in your life and the start of your individual health journey, where different health professionals can be connected depending on your needs. The ability to follow the recommended strategies varies. Some clients have been ill for decades. In such cases, it will take time and effort to reverse the course of the disease (if possible), even with all the right strategies.

All the client cases below have had a 360° health check including comprehensive laboratory testing and scans to understand the root causes of imbalance or for the purpose of early risk detection. The scans provide a visual starting point, which is then later used to follow up on. For us, it is important that you first and foremost feel an improvement, but we also place emphasis on being able to demonstrate concrete improvements and continuously evaluate and adjust based on these.

How to interpret the color changes on the client examples below: Roughly simplified, the warm colors (red, orange and yellow) mean higher temperatures (inflammation), while the purple and dark blue/black indicate cooler temperatures (less inflammation). Since inflammation is a key factor behind many diseases, it is possible to track progress, e.g. by monitoring the inflammatory patterns captured on each image and comparing to the treatment plan being followed. However, the temperature and colors must be analyzed in relation to what is normal based on the individual body part/organ. So you cannot say that a completely "blue" body would be the ideal. For analysis of the thermographic images, we use Dr. Melvin, who has more than 40 years of experience in analyzing scan images. Just as our 20 years of nutrition experience is incorporated into the individually prepared treatment strategies.

NOTE: Thermography does not replace medical diagnostics, but is used for analysis of the level of inflammation as well as assessment of treatment efficacy and early risk detection (imbalances that can often be seen before a disease diagnosis can be made).



(Symptoms: chronic fatigue + SIBO/SIFO)

Lab testing came back normal yet scan showed severe abnormal inflammation pattern - confirming why it is important to do both, as no testing is perfect, and certain people have genetic variants causing them to no excrete toxins via urine. Client came with symptoms of chronic fatigue, digestive issues and pain. Unable to function, eat normally and work. We did a thermography scan to assess current inflammation level in the body along with extensive lab testing as we suspected mold illness.

CLIENT 5 months AFTER treatment

(Client reports improved energy + digestion)

Scan shows significant improvement. Client reports able to eating normal foods again with energy to work-out and work again. A slight sensitivity to sugar and wheat reported on.

CLIENT 1 year after treatment

(Client reports no symptoms)

Client came in for final follow-up to solve remaining digestive sensitivity issues. Scan and symptoms improved further after final round of adjustments made.


CLIENT BEFORE (LEFT) + 5 months AFTER treatment (RIGHT)

(Symptoms: chronic fatigue + SIBO/SIFO)

Scan shows significant improvement over esophagus/ typical symptoms before treatment: acid reflux and digestive pain. Symptoms after treatment: none.


(No specific symptoms: health optimization + prevention)

Lab testing showed mold exposure. Scan showed significant inflammation over sinus and nasal/oral/throat typically related to mold illness.

CLIENT 6 months after TREATMENT

Improved forehead heat pattern. Improved suspicious eye/ orbital lymphatic/ venous congestion. Improved moderate TM Joint inflammation with surrounding temporal muscular clenching.

Improved maxillary sinus inflammation associated with improper cranial respiratory motion/ lack of proper sinus aeration leading toward aggressive flora development. Improved nasal/oral/ throat inflammation associated with sinus drainage. Improved mastoid sinus infection may be related to eustachian tube dysfunction can result in equilibrium disorder. Improved saliva gland (Parotid/ Submandibular/ Sublingual) heat patterns are suggestive of enlargement. Salivary glands may hypertrophy due to excessive stimulation by estrogen/ due to iodine deficiency. Improved excessive clenching/overly contract- ed muscles of the base of the neck, causing distension/ expansion of these veins exiting the side of the head/neck to the heart.



(Symptoms: chronic fatigue + pain)

Lab testing confirmed mold illness, adrenal fatigue and hormone imbalance. Significant inflammation in back and spine. This typically occurs due to 1) bad posture 2) misalignment 3) toxins affecting the nerve endings. Client reported symptoms of chronic fatigue and pain.

Doctor Melvin noted following: Thoracolumbar/ Sacral/ Coccyx spinal heat pattern consistent with dural tension (relating to spinal cord covering causing excessive stress that may be affecting direct exit of nerve roots), Quadratus Lumborum / Trapezius/ Rhomboid/ Levator Scapuli myofascial activity and spastic head/neck paravertebral (surrounding the spine)


(Client reports no pain and improved energy)

Dr. Melvin noted following: Improved Thoracolumbar/ Sacral/Coccyx spinal heat pattern consistent with dural tension (relating to spinal cord covering causing excessive stress that may be affecting direct exit of nerve roots), improved Quadratus Lumborum /improved Trapezius/ improved Rhomboid/ improved Levator Scapuli myofascial activity



(Symptoms: chronic fatigue + pain)

Scan reveals inflammation in tissue surrounding groin and buttocks typically related to gallbladder and/digestive issues due to bacterial imbalance in fecal matter.


(Client reports no pain and improved energy)

Scan reveals recovered inflammation in groin and buttock area related to improved stool bacteria.



(Symptoms: chronic fatigue + pain)

Scan reveals severe alignment issues causing pain when walking, in soles and exercises recommended to re-align.


(Client reports no pain and improved energy)

Scan reveals recovered inflammation in feet and corrected alignment.



(Symptoms: bone marrow cancer + IBS + osteoporosis)

DEXA scan follow-up after treatment revealed improved bone density. Dr. Melvin noted following on the follow-up scan: Much improved spotted/ linear heat pattern especially surrounding right nipple associated with fibrocystic activity and lymphatic/ venous congestion. Nipples appear to have a balanced heat pattern, while the entire breast also has a balanced heat pattern that is within proper tolerances



(Symptoms: bone marrow cancer + IBS + osteoporosis)

Lab work confirmed mold illness, environmental toxins + stool test revealed lack of elastase (enzyme to digest properly. Dr. Melvin noted following on the thermography scan: Stomach heat pattern suggestive of improper digestion /clearing of the stomach can result in esophageal irritation/inflammation/ hiatal pressure due to spastic/ improper function of the pyloric valve (valve at the end of the stomach). Small Intestine distension associated with improper forwarding of stomach fluids /gallbladder fluids with issues related to spastic/overly contracted valve between small to large intestines. Hepatic/ splenic flexure inflammation associated with aggressive flora development /improper forwarding of digestive fluids.


(Client reports improved energy and digestion)

Dr. Melvin noted following: Improved stomach heat pattern. Improved hepatic/ splenic flexure inflammation associated with aggressive flora development. Improved thoracolumbar/ improved sacral spinal heat pattern, improved quadratus lumborum



(Symptoms: migraines)

Lab work confirmed mold illness + mercury toxicity from dental fillings. Dr. Melvin noted following on the thermography scan: Diaphragm restricted movement/excessive abdominal pressure resulting in venous/ lymphatic fluids to be congested at the diaphragm, then a rerouting of fluids along the chest/ neck then finally to the heart. Stomach heat pattern suggestive of improper digestion /clearing of the stomach can result in esophageal irritation/inflammation/ hiatal pressure due to spastic/ improper function of the pyloric valve (valve at the end of the stomach). Mild distal (toward the end of) small Intestine distension associated with improper forwarding of stomach fluids /gallbladder fluids with issues related to spastic/ overly contracted valve between small to large intestines. Gallbladder thermal marker below the right chest associated with improper forwarding of gallbladder fluids. Suspicious liver thermal outline associated with inflammation that should be monitored for change.

CLIENT 6 months after

(Client reports no symptoms/ migraines)

No migraines. Dr. Melvin noted following: Much improved spastic scalenus /Sternocliedo myofascial activity. Improved diaphragm movement. Improved stomach heat pattern. Recovered gallbladder thermal marker below the right chest. Recovered suspicious liver thermal outline associated with inflammation.



(Symptoms: chronic fatigue + joint pain)

Lab work confirmed mold exposure, hormone imbalance and elevated oxalates. Dr Melvin noted on the thermography scan: Spastic Scalenus /Sternocliedo myofascial activity can and does interfere with proper lymphatic/ venous (blood returning to the heart) flow out of the chest/breast. Diaphragm restricted movement/excessive abdominal pressure resulting in venous/ lymphatic fluids to be congested at the diaphragm, then a rerouting of fluids along the chest/ neck then finally to the heart. Stomach heat pattern suggestive of improper digestion /clearing of the stomach can result in esophageal irritation/inflammation/ hiatal pressure due to spastic/ improper function of the pyloric valve (valve at the end of the stomach). Spotted stomach/ Small Intestine lymphatic involvement associated with aggressive flora development / improper forwarding of digestive fluids. Mild distal (toward the end of) small Intestine distension associated with improper forwarding of stomach fluids / gallbladder fluids with issues related to spastic/ overly contracted valve between small to large intestines. Spotted ascending/ descending Colon inflammation associated with aggressive flora development/ improper forwarding of digestive fluids.

CLIENT 5 months after treatment

(Client reports no symptoms)

Dr. Melvin noted following on the follow-up scan: Improved diaphragm movement. Improved stomach heat pattern. Improved spotted stomach/ small Intestine lymphatic involvement. Improved spotted ascending colon inflammation associated with flora development.



(Symptoms: chronic fatigue + imbalanced blood sugar)

Lab testing showed mold exposure and nutrient deficiencies related to blood sugar balance. Dr. Melvin noted on thermography scan before treatment: Significant imbalanced heat pattern in breasts related to fibrocystic activity. After treatment significant improved spotted linear heat pattern in breasts and hormone balance. Client reported much improved energy levels and blood sugar balance.



Scan showed inflammation over uterus, reflecting the importance of preventative health check-ups before we develop symptoms i.e. cancer. Cancer tumours take 10 year to develop, why treating early-stage inflammation is key to prevent the disease, rather than treat it once it is in its later aggressive stages.

CLIENT 9 months after treatment

Recovered central lower pelvic irregular shaped heat pattern over the uterus.


CLIENT BEFORE (LEFT) + 18 months after treatment (RIGHT)

(Symptoms: osteoporosis + general health check-up)

Labs showed mold exposure + nutrient deficiencies related to bone health and immune health. Scan revealed hormone imbalance showing in breast tissue before treatment typically related to hormone disrupting substances such as mold and/or xenoestrogenes/ chemicals. Breast scan and bone density score improved after treatment.



(Symptoms: constipation)

Lab testing confirmed nutrient deficiencies related to gut health + bowel movement + mold exposure. Thermography scan showed significant inflammation and agsressive gut flora.

CLIENT 18 months after treatment

(Client reports no symptoms)

Scan showed significant improved gut flora and improved bowel movement. Client reported better energy levels.



(Symptoms: leucemia + fatigue)

Labs showed mold exposure + environmental toxins + nutrient deficiencies related to immune health. Client started treatment later than initial scan done. 3 months after treatment start a follow-up scan revealed significant improved inflammatory pattern in groin and thigh associated with improved gut + bacteria balance in stool. Client is currently cancerfree.



(Symptoms: blood in stool, digestive pain, Chron’s disease)

Lab testing confirmed environmental toxins related to gut disorders. Scan showed significant inflammation over gut and spine.

CLIENT 12 months AFTER treatmenT

(Client reports no symptoms)

No symptoms reported. Able to eat wide range of foods. Dr. Melvin noted following on follow-up scan: Improved diaphragm restricted movement. Improved stomach heat pattern suggestive of proper digestion /clearing of the stomach. Improved spotted stomach/ small Intestine lymphatic involvement. Improved spotted ascending/ descending colon inflammation


CLIENT BEFORE (Left) + 6 months after treatment (right)

(Symptoms: breast cancer, right breast removed)

Lab testing confirmed accumulation of cancer-causing and hormone disrupting substances. Especially the first year post surgery is important to follow-up to see if new cancer cells are growing and have a strategy in place to target the root cause of why the client got sick in the first place. In this case breast tissue improved further after treatment and client is currently cancerfree.


CLIENT BEFORE (left) + 6 months after treatment (right)

(Symptoms: breast cancer)

Gut health is linked to risk of cancer why it was no surprise that thermography scan revealed severe agressive gut flora. After 6 months treatment we saw a significant lowered level of inflammation and improved gut flora which lowers overall risk of cancer relapse.


CLIENT BEFORE (from left: image 1+2) + 5 MONTHS AFTER TREATMENT (image 3+4)

(Symptoms: lymphoma)

Labs revealed significantly elevated cancer-causing substances including mold exposure related to acutely high mycotoxins in addition to environmental chemicals and nutrient deficiencies. Patient started 3 month treatment and followed up 5 months later - cancer declined and patient chose to stop treatment. Thermography scan showed improved yet not optimal images. Follow-up images show what a typical mid-way scan looks like - ideally 6 months treatment more for elevated inflammation markers to fall within range both on labs and images.



(Symptoms: weight loss resistance + diabetes-2)

Client reported that the adviced nutrition guidelines and treatment protocol had resulted in effortlessly losing 15 kilogram within the last few months (abdominal fat mainly. Labs revealed acute high environmental toxins, mineral deficiencies related to blood sugar control along with diet low in protein and high in carbs. Thermography scan showed severe lymph congestion around buttocks and groin related to imbalanced gut flora. 5 months later thermography improved significantly around groin area reflecting much improved gut flora in addition to achieved weight loss and better blood sugar control.



(Symptoms: mold illness, joint pain, chronic fatigue)

CLIENT 9 months after treatment

Client reports energy levels significantly improved, digestion improved and significantly fewer sick days. Scan reveals much improved inflammatory pattern over digestion.


CLIENT BEFORE (LEFT) + 6 months aFTER treatment (RIGHT)

(Symptoms: insomnia, low energy, poor digestion, cravings)

Labs confirmed elevated markers related to imbalance related to following a ketogenic diet for extended amount of time. Mold markers were elevated, typically associated with symptoms of IBS and SIBO/ SIFO. 6 months after treatment scan improved significantly.



(Symptoms: breast cancer, right side)

Labs confirmed elevated markers related to cancer risk: mycotoxins, environmental toxins and liver health markers. In addition we found acute deficiency of folic acid and vitamin D - both essential for cancer prevention, immune health and ability to detox properly. Client reported increased energy levels and reduced risk of cancer relapse. Thermography scan confirmed improved temperature balance between right and left breast in follow-up scan and reduced risk of relapse.


CLIENT BEFORE (left) + 12 months after treatment (right)

(Symptoms: severe pain + digestive distress for a over a decade)

Labs confirmed acutely elevated toxins related to gut damage. Thermography improved significantly both over digestion and breast area reflecting better hormone balance and gut flora in follow-up scan. Client reported no more symptoms.