One of the key things I test the majority of my clients for are pesticides. Many Danish doctors in Denmark call this “alternative”. I use CLIA-accredited laboratories by the way - and you can see a before and after case study of how chemicals from drinking water were messing with a client of mine in a post dated March 3rd 2020. She noted she felt a difference shortly after installing a shower filter even!
Let me be clear: there is nothing “alternative” about testing for substances known to cause infertility, disrupt hormones and much more.
However, it is VERY alternative, to say the least, that we are not recommended to test for pesticides when we go to a health check at our primary care physician. How on earth are they going to treat those myriad of symptoms associated with pesticide toxicity, if they don’t even know how to test for it? Or better yet would be to understand the need for collaboration in heath care today - both acute symptom-mangement is absolutely needed along with a more cause-oriented approach to prevent disease in the future. One without the other is useless.
The conventional health care system today is by far the most “alternative” solution to health problems. It is indeed quite “alternative” to treat infertility with huge doses of synthetic hormones, rather than test for hormone disrupting substances firstly at least.
A new study from the environmental agency of Denmark just released this report here of how we are literally drowning in pesticides. Yet no one is talking about the importance of TESTING people so we can treat them accordingly.
Read the Danish article about the matter here: