WATCH MY TALK: Functional medicine strategies to protect ourselves from EMFs

This summer I was in Germany to give a lecture on how best to protect yourself - from a functional medical point of view - against the harmful effects of EMF radiation from our smartphones, wifi, baby monitors etc.

At present, it is common knowledge that men's sperm quality i.a. is significantly affected because we carry our mobile phones. close to the body.

More and more research is coming out about far more disturbing consequences of radiation damage - and no matter how inconvenient we may think it is to deal with, it affects our own and our children's health regardless of us closing our eyes to inconvenient facts.

Watch my talk on the health issues surrounding #EMF exposure and how to protect ourselves via functional medicine strategies.

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I am doing a new talk this Winter for companies. Ask your workplace to book this 60 minute talk and walk away with a better understanding of how you can work with your body and the seasons to gain effortless health and truly thrive in the body you are in.

While there are no short-cuts or magic formulas when it comes to health, it is key that we understand both our own body’s biochemical blueprint through lab testing in addition to how the intelligence of nature impacts us. So that we understand when is the time to support detoxification in the body and when is the time to nourish for hormonal balance. If we fight nature, health becomes a constant battle.

Rather we want to understand how we as human beings are connected to the intelligence in nature and embrace the changing seasons to best support our gut and brain health and just overall wellbeing.

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Essential minerals in today’s world - NEW TALK (Zoom webinar - Danish only) 2nd of March

Minerals are one the single most important factors in overall health status. We will go over the most important minerals to support gut health, immune health, mental health, skin and bones. To sign up for webinar go here: Please share.

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ARTICLE feature in NATURHELSE (Danish only)

Did you know that EMF from wifi and our cell phones has been linked to everything from brain and heart tumours in rats to chronic fatigue, migraines, insomnia and stress in humans?

I’ve written an extensive article with 100+ scientific references on EMF and where the science stands regarding its health implications. This article is part of a series of 3 which will be released in upcoming issues. Read it by clicking here. Feel free to share.

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