This summer I was in Germany to give a lecture on how best to protect yourself - from a functional medical point of view - against the harmful effects of EMF radiation from our smartphones, wifi, baby monitors etc.
At present, it is common knowledge that men's sperm quality i.a. is significantly affected because we carry our mobile phones. close to the body.
More and more research is coming out about far more disturbing consequences of radiation damage - and no matter how inconvenient we may think it is to deal with, it affects our own and our children's health regardless of us closing our eyes to inconvenient facts.
Watch my talk on the health issues surrounding #EMF exposure and how to protect ourselves via functional medicine strategies.
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PQQ is an antioxidant and based on recent research, it shows to be more powerful at fighting free radicals than vitamin C - this directly impacts and lowers inflammation and stress in our body.
A small, 8-week study in 17 people found that taking 20 mg of PQQ daily resulted in significant self-reported improvements in sleep quality and fatigue. This is thought to be mainly due to its effect on normalizing cortisol levels.
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I am doing a new talk this Winter for companies. Ask your workplace to book this 60 minute talk and walk away with a better understanding of how you can work with your body and the seasons to gain effortless health and truly thrive in the body you are in.
While there are no short-cuts or magic formulas when it comes to health, it is key that we understand both our own body’s biochemical blueprint through lab testing in addition to how the intelligence of nature impacts us. So that we understand when is the time to support detoxification in the body and when is the time to nourish for hormonal balance. If we fight nature, health becomes a constant battle.
Rather we want to understand how we as human beings are connected to the intelligence in nature and embrace the changing seasons to best support our gut and brain health and just overall wellbeing.
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Then you want to book this talk! Simple evidence-based steps to make big changes to how we thrive mentally and physically.
(I just did this talk for VEO technologies in Copenhagen)
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Europeans For Safe Connections is hosting their annual conference in Kassel, Germany the weekend of 28-30th of June 2024. At the conference I am doing a talk on understanding how EMFs impact us and strategies we can take to minimise negative health impact. In this talk we will focus on gaining insight into the things we can control, so we can function in a wireless world that we have little control over. This talk is scheduled for 9:30 AM Saturday 29th of June in Kassel, Germany and is part of the weekend conference for Europeans For Safe Connections - read the full program and sign up for the conference here:
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Now admittedly I’ve been winter swimming in icy waters in Scandinavia since I was 3 years old (voluntarily following my mom in the ocean, mind you). I’ve always been keen on the benefits of cold-and-heat alternating therapies and how it can tone our vagus nerve and thereby help alleviate stress and build resilience.
However, right now this cold therapy trend is getting out of control.
This trend is being pushed by influencers with no health education or people without an understanding of the nervous system - yes, even researches focusing on one aspect only i.e. how cold therapy can change our fat tissue. However, this is ONLY one aspect of how cold therapy is affecting us. We need to understand the bigger picture of how something is affecting us LONG-TERM and our body as a whole, before we dive in. Most importantly we need to understand how our own nervous system is wired and what therapies is best matched to that. Too many lack the understanding of doing things in short bursts or in moderation to stress the body short-term in order to build resilience long-term - instead they are pushing the body beyond capacity, staying in ice water for 5-20 minutes with the mantra “more is better” or just being solely focused on changing fat tissue without understanding what large doses of adrenaline release does to the nervous system.
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“Sometimes you just need to decide that you are worth it, instead of waiting for others to decide what you are worthy of. Who cares what everybody else thinks – most people are not living lives you’d want to live anyway, so do not be scared of being judged by others, who get off on judging others, who do more than they will ever aspire to do. People who are truly confident and “alpha” do not feel threatened by others, but rather inspired.
One person’s success just shows that something can be done – and you can too. I’ve always loved “The American Dream” for promoting exactly this mindset: encouraging each individual to reach their unique excellence in life – whatever that might be.
Dreaming big and feeling inspired has helped me feel confident in life. A bit of grandiosity never hurt anyone – it is certainly better than playing it small. And that is how we fake confidence until we make it.”
I am interviewed for Bold Journey - an LA magazine for local entrepreneurs - on how to master the art of self-confidence as an entrepreneur. Read full interview here: and feel free to share it.
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It would be optimal if we could eat enough of all the vitamins and minerals, because food is more recognizable to the body and it is easier to absorb. The sources of magnesium in our food products include whole grains, nuts, sprouts, legumes, cocoa, meat and vegetables. However, what I see when I test, is that many lack it - in 9 out of 10 cases, we see a deficit of magnesium. Magnesium is, together with zinc and silica, among the minerals we commonly find is difficult to obtain an optimal level of through our food because the soil is so depleted and our demands for these minerals have increased due to various stressors in modern life.
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“Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.”
Read the rest of the article here: Remember I am doing a live webinar on where the science stands on EMF (in Danish only) sign up here: and feel free to share.
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Everyone in Hollywood seems to be on Ozempic these days, but should we be thinking twice before we take the short-cut to weightloss?
The HighWire recently discussed exactly this topic. Click below to watch the video
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"Many studies have shown that electromagnetic fields can have destructive effects on sex hormones, gonadal function, fetal development, and pregnancy. So people must be aware of the negative effects of EMFs. Although the impact of the waves varied at different frequencies, it is better to stay as far away as possible from their origin because of the risks associated with exposures to these waves. In addition, people can use natural antioxidants to help reduce the effects of these waves."
A review on Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and the reproductive system:
In short: stop carrying your phone on your body especially during pregnancy or when wanting to become pregnant as it may affect both your own fertility as well as your offspring’s development (autism is a big worry right now that seems to be linked to excessive EMF exposure).
Keep your phone 3 meters away from your body to limit EMF exposure when not using it, and stop scrolling on it like it is your best friend, cos it is not. We are all wasting our lives scrolling non-stop on these smart phones and all these smart devices are under suspicion for wrecking our health big time.
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Christina Santini has been the first therapist in Europe to treat mold exposure since 2013. Did you know that 25% af astma is linked to mold exposure? How about we treated the cause instead of the symptom! It is important to get a handle on our basic needs for healthy air and clean water before we embark on more advanced dietary trends - especially since diet does not help much if our water and air are highly polluted. Gain insight into whether this is a problem for you and possibly related to your symptoms and get help to find out how it can be best managed.
To sign up for webinar click here:
Please share.
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PFAS is a component of non-stick cookware made with Teflon, microwave popcorn, and is found in a variety of medications: anesthetics, nerve agents, antibiotics, antidepressants, antifungals, antihistamines, cholesterol-lowering medications, anti-malarials, chemotherapy, arthritis medications, psychotropics, and steroids. Of course, you should not stop taking vital medication for that reason, but it is important to know about the possible side effects. Possibly the most overlooked source in our immediate environment is our drinking and shower water.
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I highly recommend reading the work of Dr. James Greenblatt (MD) and getting his latest book specifically on how to get off antidepressants: read more about it here.
I do love Christmas time: the crackling of a fireplace, drinking hot cocoa with whipped cream and playing in the snow. However, I also see that this time comes with a lot of added expectations and feelings of loneliness for many. A recipe for pain for quite a few around this time a year, which is evident when taking the train and experiencing the delays that happen due to suicide. It is heartbreaking that someone can feel so lonely and that none of us have been able to help make that person feel better.
Life is sometimes very hard, yet it is crucial that we remember that everthing in life ebbs and flows - that nothing indeed is constant but change. Every feeling is only temporary. And if we are stuck in something too long, then we need to act our way out of it, so we can feel different and get unstuck. Implement habits and action steps that we might imagine we can enjoy in a future version of ourselves, even if it feels forced upon right now. Our ability to be happy and resilient in this life is directly tied to how we adapt to change - how flexible we are, so we do not get stuck.
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I’ve been treating mold illness as one of the first practitioners in Europe since 2012. To this day it still surprises me how deeply unhealthy homes many of us live in, yet we are hyper focused on our eating habits. However, it doesn’t matter however healthy you eat, if you are literally inhaling toxins with every breath you take.
We need to master the basics of clean air, pure water supply and solid sleep in order to expect any miracles happening our way. These are basics we cannot eat our way out of nor exercise our way out of.
Some of us need to relax and eat a slice of cake and focus on what is really making us sick - which may have nothing to do with what we eat (or don’t eat).
This is why it is a good idea to get checked out, so we are not stuck guessing what is wrong with us and trying every new diet fad under the sun to no avail.
I wrote an article about how our moldy homes are making us unwell - read it here (in Danish only): (page 18 and on)
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I have written about the health issues surrounding man-made radiation from wifi, smart phones and cell towers for the Danish health organization MayDay. Read it here:
MayDay is one of the organizations I myself have chosen to support, because they do a huge amount of voluntary work to ensure free speech, balanced debate and oppose monopoly on our health - you can support them for only DKK 200 annually:
Support MayDay here:
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I’m interviewed in Vogue Scandinavia about the benefits of D-vitamin for our skin health. Did you know this sun-vitamin (actually hormone) not only helps to boost our immune system against viruses and cancer, but also linked to anti-aging properties and smoother skin due to its collagen boosting effect? Click here to read it. Feel free to share.
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Did you know that EMF from wifi and our cell phones has been linked to everything from brain and heart tumours in rats to chronic fatigue, migraines, insomnia and stress in humans?
I’ve written an extensive article with 100+ scientific references on EMF and where the science stands regarding its health implications. This article is part of a series of 3 which will be released in upcoming issues. Read it by clicking here. Feel free to share.
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I'm talking to personal trainer Rocky Snyder about how mental health, hormone imbalance and men's health issues more than ever is tied to toxicity issues (also lots of crazy facial expressions going on here, but hey, I just had a double-dipped chocolate croissant, so probably a sugar-high, what can I say).
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“The types of gene expression affected (e.g., genes involved in cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and stress responses, heat-shock proteins) are consistent with the findings that EMF causes genetic damages” Read full study here:
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