THIS E-BOOK Going over how to treat mold illness based on 10+ years clinician experience with the mold sick patients will be released in english in Summer of 2025.
Read MoreThis summer I was in Germany to give a lecture on how best to protect yourself - from a functional medical point of view - against the harmful effects of EMF radiation from our smartphones, wifi, baby monitors etc.
At present, it is common knowledge that men's sperm quality i.a. is significantly affected because we carry our mobile phones. close to the body.
More and more research is coming out about far more disturbing consequences of radiation damage - and no matter how inconvenient we may think it is to deal with, it affects our own and our children's health regardless of us closing our eyes to inconvenient facts.
Watch my talk on the health issues surrounding #EMF exposure and how to protect ourselves via functional medicine strategies.
Read Morehours in the bottles. There were hundreds of substances in the water -- including substances never before found in plastic, as well as substances that are potentially harmful to health. After a dishwasher cycle, there were several thousand," says Jan H. Christensen, Professor of Environmental Analytical Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen's Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences.
Read the full article here:
Take-away? STOP using reusable plastic anything in contact with liquids or foods. Choose glass og stainless steel instead.
Read MoreDr. Kurt Woeller D. O. is one of the pioneers in understanding biochemical abnormalities related to autism and neurological issues. I highly recommend working with him if you or anyone you know struggles with autism - his knowledge is unsurpassed.
His detailed biochemical understanding of health and disease is truly unique and I’ve followed his work for the last decade along with - unbeknownst to him - I happened to take a training course in organic acid testing led by Dr. Woeller approx a decade ago.
Today I had the pleasure of being on his newly released podcast “Doc Talks”. He is truly one of a select handfuld of incredibly knowledgable practitioners, I have been lucky enough to either be mentored by or work directly with - i.e. Dr. Eric Braverman MD, Dr. Deepak Chopra MD, Dr. Rau MD, Dr. Greg Melvin (who I also collaborate currently with on analysing my clients’ thermography scans) and Dr. Woeller D.O.
Europeans For Safe Connections is hosting their annual conference in Kassel, Germany the weekend of 28-30th of June 2024. At the conference I am doing a talk on understanding how EMFs impact us and strategies we can take to minimise negative health impact. In this talk we will focus on gaining insight into the things we can control, so we can function in a wireless world that we have little control over. This talk is scheduled for 9:30 AM Saturday 29th of June in Kassel, Germany and is part of the weekend conference for Europeans For Safe Connections - read the full program and sign up for the conference here:
Read MoreAren’t eggs supposed to be super healthy? Yes and no. Eggs are a food group that can be problematic depending on one's medical history - and no, it's not about cholesterol. The cholesterol debate - and what causes elevated levels in the body - was misleading and has long since been dismantled, but there are other aspects that make eggs less suitable for daily intake for everyone.
Read More“We can read that 5G is dangerous and can be used as a weapon! Is it true? The phenomenon of electrical hypersensitivity is it just hypersensitivity or can it be proven in studies? To solve our questions about 5G and radiation from wireless devices. We have invited a scientist that has been doing experiments in this field since the 1980`s. Listen in here: ”
Read MoreMany of us turn to clean skin care products - it has almost become a gimmick at this point in time. Especially as many of the so-called clean beauty products do nothing good for the skin - they don’t contain actually skin benefitting ingredients, but can get a label touting “clean” simply by avoiding the main allergy-triggers.
Although it is a good idea to focus on the health-damaging chemicals around us, it is even more important that we understand how to prioritize our efforts to not get overwhelmed with insignificant details. I.e. it doesn’t matter if a little perfume has been added to a soap (unless we are hyper allergic), but it does matter how clean our drinking and bathing water is and whether we cook and store food in contact with plastic (heat/ acid effect primarily). It is most often from such boring everyday sources that the majority of the chemicals we get back on the lab tests done on clients are derived from. Chemicals related to increased disease risk incl. cancer.
Read MoreDid you know that figs actually contain compounds that help the body detoxify from fake estrogens (xenoestrogens from chemicals and mold etc.) in the body?
8 out of 10 people struggling with hormone imbalance is due to hormone disruptors present in the body - chemicals, mold and/ or certain heavy metals.
If you fail to test for the causes of the hormonal imbalance, you will be stuck taking often very high dosages of bioidentical hormones. Hormones - regardless of being bioidentical or not, are never without risk. While they can be an absolute game changer for treating issues related to menopause (female hormone decline) and andropause (male hormone decline), what I’ve found in 80% of cases is that you can get the body back to balance with either no hormone therapy or with the bare minimum IF you first treat hormone disruption issues.
This is because mold and various hormone disrupting chemicals often attach themselves to our hormone receptors, blocking bioidentical hormones from attaching.
So treating hormone imbalance with hormone therapy is the wrong way to go in 8 out of 10 cases.
You can read more on how various toxins from mold cause dangerous high estrogen levels here:
Read MoreIt’s not new knowledge, but it is still one of the more frequent mistakes I see done: taking vitamin D mixed with other minerals such as with calcium.
Fact is, when you mix vitamin D with minerals it gets degraded rapidly - which is why you should always take vitamin D isolated in its own supplement, if you want to actually absorb what you are taking.
Read the study here:
Read More“Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.”
Read the rest of the article here: Remember I am doing a live webinar on where the science stands on EMF (in Danish only) sign up here: and feel free to share.
Read MoreDid you know that the Health Authorities actually recommend reducing our use of mobile phones? Smartphones, wi-fi, etc. have become important components of daily life. Their harmful effects on the body, especially on the nervous system, have gradually become quite well studied. According to a lot of research, unnatural EMF can affect our body's nervous system and cause damage to cells. Cancer and unusual growths can be a symptom of very high EMF exposure. Several studies have reported that exposure to EMF results in oxidative stress in many tissues of the body. Exposure to EMF is known to increase concentrations of free radicals. This results in increased oxidative stress and chronic inflammation as the antioxidant defense system is unable to prevent the damaging effects of free radicals. The World Health Organization initially considered these sources of non-ionizing EMF radiation to be safe because they were only assessed based on their thermal effects - and that, quite correctly, is not harmful to health. However, it turns out that cell damage has not been taken into account in these conclusions. To participate go here: Please share
Read More"Many studies have shown that electromagnetic fields can have destructive effects on sex hormones, gonadal function, fetal development, and pregnancy. So people must be aware of the negative effects of EMFs. Although the impact of the waves varied at different frequencies, it is better to stay as far away as possible from their origin because of the risks associated with exposures to these waves. In addition, people can use natural antioxidants to help reduce the effects of these waves."
A review on Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and the reproductive system:
In short: stop carrying your phone on your body especially during pregnancy or when wanting to become pregnant as it may affect both your own fertility as well as your offspring’s development (autism is a big worry right now that seems to be linked to excessive EMF exposure).
Keep your phone 3 meters away from your body to limit EMF exposure when not using it, and stop scrolling on it like it is your best friend, cos it is not. We are all wasting our lives scrolling non-stop on these smart phones and all these smart devices are under suspicion for wrecking our health big time.
Read MoreI’ve written an article based on my 10 years experience working with mold illness cases - part two of the series is out now (Danish only): Click here to read it on p 20. This article is written for the non-profit organization LNS for clients and therapists wishing to integrate conventional and holistic medicine and better transparency in health care. I recommend joining the benefits of this organization by becoming a member. You can read more about it here (Danish only): and feel free to share.
Read MoreChristina Santini has been the first therapist in Europe to treat mold exposure since 2013. Did you know that 25% af astma is linked to mold exposure? How about we treated the cause instead of the symptom! It is important to get a handle on our basic needs for healthy air and clean water before we embark on more advanced dietary trends - especially since diet does not help much if our water and air are highly polluted. Gain insight into whether this is a problem for you and possibly related to your symptoms and get help to find out how it can be best managed.
To sign up for webinar click here:
Please share.
Read MorePFAS is a component of non-stick cookware made with Teflon, microwave popcorn, and is found in a variety of medications: anesthetics, nerve agents, antibiotics, antidepressants, antifungals, antihistamines, cholesterol-lowering medications, anti-malarials, chemotherapy, arthritis medications, psychotropics, and steroids. Of course, you should not stop taking vital medication for that reason, but it is important to know about the possible side effects. Possibly the most overlooked source in our immediate environment is our drinking and shower water.
Read MoreI have written about the health issues surrounding man-made radiation from wifi, smart phones and cell towers for the Danish health organization MayDay. Read it here:
MayDay is one of the organizations I myself have chosen to support, because they do a huge amount of voluntary work to ensure free speech, balanced debate and oppose monopoly on our health - you can support them for only DKK 200 annually:
Support MayDay here:
Read More“A study published July 11 by Swiss scientists found that BPA transfers readily from receipts to skin and can penetrate the skin to such a depth that it cannot be washed off (Biedermann 2010). This raises the possibility that the chemical infiltrates the skin's lower layers to enter the bloodstream directly. BPA has also been shown to penetrate skin in laboratory studies (Kaddar 2008). EWG collected 36 receipts and commissioned the University of Missouri Division of Biological Sciences laboratory to investigate their BPA content. This laboratory is considered one of the world's foremost research facilities in its capability to detect environmentally relevant BPA concentrations. The Missouri scientists found that the total mass of BPA on a receipt is 250 to 1,000 times greater than the amount of BPA typically found in a can of food or a can of baby formula, or that which leaches from a BPA-based plastic baby bottle into its contents. These data should not be interpreted to suggest that policymakers shift their focus from BPA contamination of food, which is widespread, to receipts. BPA exposure from food sources is ubiquitous and should remain the first priority of U.S. policymakers. However, a significant portion of the public may also be exposed to BPA by handling receipts. Since many retailers do not use BPA-laden thermal paper, this particular route of exposure is easy to correct.” Read the full report on Environmental Working Group site here:
Read MoreThe honeybees are dying out - and it's a global disaster for all of us.
They are on the verge of extinction due to overuse of pesticides and research showing that EMF radiation also plays a big role - perhaps the biggest.
One of the best gifts you can give this year is to Swedish professor Olle Johansson's research on this particular area, which affects us all. Professor Olle has done a huge job of proving the many harmful effects of mobile and wifi radiation - and fights daily against the telecommunications industry and the economic stakeholders who do not want his research published.
Professor Olle researches things that are important for nature and our lives without underlying economic interests and therefore his pioneering research is dependent on us all supporting his work - support with whatever you feel like, everything helps: - and please share the link.
Read MoreCan essential oils really boost the immune system (lymphocytes) in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy?One of the biggest challenges when you are in chemotherapy is to keep your lymphocytes up, so you can continue in treatment. Studies suggest that something as simple as essential oils can help with just that. 66 patients in the early stages of colorectal cancer receiving adjuvant chemotherapy were enrolled in a randomized controlled trial. The aromatherapy massage for the intervention group consisted of 3x 45 min massage sessions over a week with ginger essential oil in coconut oil, while the control group only received standard supportive care. At the end of the week, the mean number of lymphocytes was significantly higher in the massage group and reported symptoms of fatigue, pain, and stress were significantly lower than in the control group.Statistically significant increases in the number of peripheral blood leukocytes and lymphocytes were also reported by another trial involving 12 breast cancer patients who received a 30-minute aromatherapy massage twice a week for four weeks with essential oils of sweet orange (Citrus aurantium), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) ) and sandalwood (Santalum album) in jojoba oil.
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