Migraines are a risk-indicator for cardiovascular health issues!

Too many of us pop a pill to suppress our symptoms of distress. And while that can be needed, it is crucial that we begin to do something about the issue while we symptom treat the pain, rather than ignore it altogether.

Types of headaches: while tension headache typically is related to sitting positions or dehydration, migraine headaches reveal underlying imbalance that should be taken seriously.

A painkiller is not addressing the underlying issue of what is wrong in our body. Serious headaches like migraines are not “just a headache” but a symptom that should be taken seriously in our investigation to figure out why our body is in pain.

And did you know that migraines are actually linked to higher incidence of cardiovascular health issues?

Making it even more relevant for us to take action and understand the cause of our migraine episodes!

For most of us, the cause of a migraine episode is a combination of several triggers - all affecting arterial stiffness and causing those almost suicidal painful episodes of headaches followed with nausea, throwing up and light sensitivity.

During my time dealing with clients, who have sometimes suffered with almost daily episodes of migraines, I’ve found following factors to be the most likely imbalances that needs tested and addressed, if we are to reverse head ache symptoms instead of masking them:

  • K2

  • E-vitamin

  • Magnesium

  • Elevated blood calcium

  • B6

  • Omega-3

  • Niacin

  • Mold

  • Heavy metals (which attract EMF to the brain like a magnet)

  • EMF exposure (from cellphones, cell-towers and wifi)

  • Red wine and coffee


Study finds migraines linked to cardiovascular health

Vitamin supplementation in migraines