Very few practitioners understand B12 deficiency, and even fewer understand Chronic and Adrenal Fatigue,. It's understandable in part because test results can have multiple meanings.
A High Serum B12 Could Mean Many Things, Such As Liver Trouble, Bacterial Overgrowth, etc. Folate And B12 Are Supportive Of Each Other - Important To Understand, Because They Work TOGETHER.
Vitamin B12 is considered to be very safe.
Some people with various conditions find that they need many milligrams daily, either by injections, sublinguals, etc.
High Serum B12 Can Be Caused By A Functional B12 Deficiency.
This means that there is enough B12 in the body, but the cells are not able to use it, so they export it back to the blood, and it builds up there, bound to haptocorrin. After a week, the haptocorrin-bound B12 is imported by the liver and recycled via the bile to the gut. This is the recycle pathway for B12. The cells of the body in general are not able to use this B12. Only the liver can import it. The other transporter of B12 in the blood is transcobalamin, and this is the one that carries B12 from the gut to the cells in general.
High Serum B12 Per Se Is Not Harmful, But It Indicates That There Is An Issue With B12 Utilization.
A functional B12 deficiency is part of the pathophysiology of Chronic Fatigue , and it is caused by glutathione depletion.
There is a great video by Dr. Richard A. Van Konynenburg, Ph.D. explaining the basis behind abnormal blood labs, genetic traits and broad symptoms such as chronic fatigue and auto immune disorders.