Parasites do not just inhabit the stool - thus testing for parasites is highly inaccurate through stool-testing. Easily we will be told that we are parasite-free, when fact is - it is more likely we have parasites than not. According to CDC 33% of Americans have parasites - and probably more. I recommend simply treating parasites 3 months with botanicals.
70% of parasites are microscopic, so you won’t see them in the toilet, but if you happen to be the lucky host of other types, they will be visible.
Everybody who has travelled, eaten sushi or undercooked meat, has pets etc. they should do a parasite cleanse. And obvious symptoms are digestive issues, bloating, skin rashes, and extreme difficulty gaining weight in some cases (only if you have a tape-worm infection though).
I have seen quite a few underweight men, who simply cannot gain weight for the life of them regardless of strength training - and turned out they had a most unwelcome guest in the form of a tape-worm eating up all their nutrition. A stool-test will not be accurate in detecting this in most cases - simply treat it, and see what ends up in your toilet in the next 3 months time.
These critters are opportunistic and thrive in body’s with a high toxic load, and can impair liver, kidney and gallbladder functioning.
Here is a study explaining how parasites inhabit different parts of our body, and thus why testing for parasites in stool is similar odds to winning the lottery (obviously no one wants to win this lottery, but hey, it is what it is).
Download the study here:
Okay, that’s all for now folks. Moving on to a more appetizing topic. Cupcakes anyone?