To grain or not to grain?

That seems to be the main question on most people’s mind these days.

Personally I always recommend taking advice on matters from professionals who are educated in the field you seek advice in, i.e. seek nutrition advice from professionals who are educated and hold a degree in nutrition science and seek medical advice and diagnostics from professionals who have a medical training. If we did that, and if we as professionals respected different educational backgrounds and trainings, instead of thinking “we know it all”, it would lead to a lot less confusion and malpractice in the health arena.

Anyway, today I want to share this video on the subject of grains with two very different takes on the matter - Dr. Perlmutter, a Medical Doctor and author of “Grain Brain” and Dr. John Douillard, DC, CAP a globally recognized leader in the fields of natural health, Ayurveda, and sports medicine. I find it incredibly nice that these two personalities in their own right are able to discuss their different takes on this almost religious matter in such a civil manner.