NEW INTERVIEW: Cancer nutrition with Dr. Kurt Woeller D.O.

Dr. Kurt Woeller D. O. is one of the pioneers in understanding biochemical abnormalities related to autism and neurological issues. I highly recommend working with him if you or anyone you know struggles with autism - his knowledge is unsurpassed.

His detailed biochemical understanding of health and disease is truly unique and I’ve followed his work for the last decade along with - unbeknownst to him - I happened to take a training course in organic acid testing led by Dr. Woeller approx a decade ago.

Today I had the pleasure of being on his newly released podcast “Doc Talks”. He is truly one of a select handfuld of incredibly knowledgable practitioners, I have been lucky enough to either be mentored by or work directly with - i.e. Dr. Eric Braverman MD, Dr. Deepak Chopra MD, Dr. Rau MD, Dr. Greg Melvin (who I also collaborate currently with on analysing my clients’ thermography scans) and Dr. Woeller D.O.

Listen to our talk about nutrition and cancer

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I'm LIVE: talking with personal trainer Rocky Snyder

I'm talking to personal trainer Rocky Snyder about how mental health, hormone imbalance and men's health issues more than ever is tied to toxicity issues (also lots of crazy facial expressions going on here, but hey, I just had a double-dipped chocolate croissant, so probably a sugar-high, what can I say).

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I'm LIVE on the Holistic Nootropics podcast talking about toxicity

I had pleasure of talking with Erik Levi, the host of Holistic Nootropics podcast about how toxicity is ruining our health today. I love how Erik Levi talks to a lot of very different people, who have different opinions about health which makes for a super balanced podcast experience - he’s had legendary Dr. James Greenblatt (eating disorder specialist) on his show along with Dr. Kurt Woeller (all things lab related expert) to name just two of my favorite people

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