Step 1 to ensure that one's immune system is strong is always to ensure we do not have underlying toxicity problem, as bacteria and viruses thrive in environments affected by i.e. heavy metals.
Obviously we can’t detox a chemical problem or heavy metal toxicity in a week, this is something we should be addressing for the long run to prevent future issues and not last minute.
So note to self to get sorted out, if you have not done that yet. I am finding tons of people walking around with chronic issues yet not having gotten sorted out properly in regards to these issues being linked to mold, pesticides, chemicals, heavy metals and so forth.
Toxins cause the body to break down in time - make sure you are not struggling with a hidden underlying toxicity issue, which is blocking your body from functioning normally.
Remember it doesn’t help much to test “down-stream” parameters, such as hormons and neurotransmitters, if we are not addressing the top-down issues.
In many cases “top-down” issues are hormone disrupting chemicals and mycotoxins with neurotoxic effect. Always focus on the first causative factor instead of the myriad of symptoms tied to that.
Next up to further boost immune health, should be on vitamins and minerals like liposomal vitamin C, B12 + Vitamin D (both can be checked for free at your own doctor), zinc (I find deficiency in almost all vegans, vegetarians incl. those of us who just don't care for meat every day - so really keep an eye on zinc, as it is essential for immune system and anti-viral effect also in relation to herpes that many suffer from).
Also foodwise we want to avoid foods containing loads of growth hormones as this enhances viral load.
Eggs are full of growth hormones and not a top choice when dealing with viruses, as we know that hormones feed virus. I remember reading some books in Ayurveda a decade ago, and it stated that eggs were a no-go for so-called pitta-imbalance issues. Now science is beginning to explain this ancient theory bit by bit, and new research has also come out showing eggs is a no-go for breast cancer (also a pitta-imbalance issue btw.) - so ancient knowledge is being explained by science. One begins to wonder how scientific Western science really is, since this knowledge has apparently been around for thousands of years ironically. (1,2,3)
In addition herbs with antiviral and antibacterial activity such as tomentosa, olive leaf and/or lemon balm should be included in times when we need to boost our immune health.
NOTE: I am in Los Angeles March + April - for appointments/lab testing and bookings for workshops/talks etc. contact me.
1. Br J Nutr. 2015 Oct 14;114(7):1099-107. doi: 10.1017/ Egg intake and cancers of the breast, ovary and prostate: a dose-response meta-analysis of prospective observational studies. Keum N1
2. Breast Cancer. 2014 May;21(3):251-61. doi: 10.1007/s12282-014-0519-1. Epub 2014 Feb 7. Egg consumption and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis. Si R1,
3. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2009;10(5):869-76. Egg consumption and the risk of cancer: a multisite case-control study in Uruguay. Aune D