We know that sugar feeds cancer, but that doesn't mean that you should cut out everything containing forms of sugar. After all our body needs sugar (not that white stuff, mind you) for optimal health. This extremist thinking and constant manipulation of nature is not serving us. Nature is already designed to keep us healthy - and we need a balance of carb, protein and fats to function. However, knowing which plants and foods work for certain diseases is the key. Not manipulating by extracting or changing the existing structure of the foods.
What we are constantly discovering is that many nutrients work synergistic.
This means they need to be taken with certain other compounds, that are naturally already present in the foods they are found in to be utilized optimally.
When we extract them isolated or change the structure of foods - we compromise bio-availability.
And what we don't absorb, we can't benefit from.
Unfortunately, many people - yes, even health practitioners - fail to understand the brilliance of nature.
Nature has designed certain foods to have sugar attached to it right along with potent anticancer compounds, so that the cancer cells eat it - and then the anticancer compounds kill it from the inside.
This is nothing less than super intelligent design.
I have collected the scientific references for using raw honey as antidiabetic, antiobesity, antimicrobial and anticancer agent here.
As well as a scientific collection of references on how certain fruits are indeed anti-cancerous here.
Download Medical aspects of RAW honey click here.
Download Anticancer compounds in fruit: Trojan Horse Theory click here.