While it may seem contradictory, clinical research suggests that is helps to minimize the damaging side effects on your gut microbiome, if you take certain probiotics together with antibiotics.
Why I use grapefruit seed extract oil in nose oil for my clients
A majority of clients show decreased drainage of the sinuses when they come in for a thermography scan. Not only does poor nose breathing affect brain functioning, it also impairs fat metabolism and can even negatively affect our facial features!
Many of us women will spend endless amounts of money on vanity stuff like fillers, botox, face lifting, serums and all sorts of stuff that promise to keep us young, yet the secrets to growing older gracefully and looking youthful is a reflection of our inner health. Something to many of us simply scoff at til we are desperately sick. Rarely, do we link our health to our skin elasticity, cellulite and darkness under our eyes - yet we should, because when we show signs of premature aging and early onset of graying hair this is a reflection of biochemical imbalances and nutrient deficiencies. Things that in the long run cannot simply be fixed with hair color in a bottle or a magical serum or filler.
Nose breathing (or rather lack thereof) being a prime example of something few os uf think would affect both our waistline and facial features. Yet it does.
I’ve been custom-blending nose oil mixtures for all my clients showing impaired nasal breathing containing custom blends of essential oil with grapefruit seed extract in order to combat biofilm, mold spores and research has shown that it also is helpful against viral issues incl. covid. And this makes sense since the primary rout of exposure is through our respiratory organs. Click on to read the study.
Read MoreToo much omega-3 is too much of a good thing!
Did you know that too much Omega-3 actually impairs the immune system's ability to kill pathogens, thus increasing viral pathogen burden? Yes, many of us think that the more fish oil the better, but as with anything: too much of a good thing is just not a good thing anymore and - surprise - actually proinflammatory!
Read MoreHow to treat swimmer's ear naturally
Swimmer’s ear is something many of us get to deal with at some point in our life, if we love swimming. It is caused by either Staphylococcus aureus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Both bacteria thrive in moist environments, why it is critical to keep those ears dry after showering or going swimming. The common treatment route will be antibiotics, but if this becomes an often scenario, we might want to check out some natural remedies, as no one wants to take antibiotics too frequently. In this study they compared conventional antibiotics to natural antibiotics, which have shown to be quite efficient against both bacteria strains as well: “In summary, we demonstrate here that cassia, Peru balsam, and red thyme essential oils are more effective in eradicating Pseudomonas and S. aureus biofilms than selected important antibiotics, making them interesting candidates for the treatment of biofilms.” Read the study here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3346404/ and feel free to share.
Read MoreIs your coffee maker making you sick? (How to fix it and still drink coffee)
The best way to drink coffee to avoid mold issues is to grind the beans and use them within a month and only use French press. However, if you are not up for that, then watch The Doctor’s discuss a couple useful tips for better coffee habits here:
Read MoreHow hygienic is your coffee machine?
“The washer plate of the Nespresso® compatible coffee machine had a reading of 4000 colony forming units (CFU)! Anything more than 75 CFU as stated in the official Health Act (Act 63, 1977) on Total Microbial Activity is unsatisfactory and any reading above 1000 CFU is unacceptable as it raises major health concerns. SWIFT states that it requires immediate attention. The washer plate was therefore nearly 54 times over the limit of the official Health Act recommendation. The Mould reading came to 10 CFU on the washer plate, which is not concerning, but it is still not nice to know that mould could end up in your coffee cup.”
However, simply cleaning your Nespresso machine with something as simple as vinegar 1-2 x weekly will solve this issue. Read the article here.
Read MoreStudy finds that 62% of us weigh 10-12 lbs more due to "hidden chronic constipation".
A European medical study found that approx. 62% of adults whom doctors examined had an average of 10-12 pounds of residual fecal matter buildup in their large intestines and rectums. Even people who had a bowel movement daily were at risk for accumulating old fecal matter. The majority of my clients I start of putting on a variety of herbal supplements including mimosa pudica which literally scrubs the gut and gets rids of old fecal matter and biofilm. It smells utterly disgusting the first couple months when people go to the restroom, because old bacteria and rotten fecal matter is being expelled. But better that, than having this stuff inside our gut, creating chronic inflammation and inhibiting our ability to absorb nutrients. We are NOT what we eat, if we can’t absorb it. And if the walls of our gut is insulated with a layer of old fecal matter, we have created a haven for inflammatory conditions, pathogenic bacteria, parasites etc. If we do not remove this, but rather focus on treating the situations created by this toxic environment, we will never get to the root of the cause. We will stay stuck in symptom-management: taking stuff for our bacteria balance, getting rid of fungus growth or focusing on killing the parasites etc. All of which need to be addressed, but if the environment in which these things thrive is not cleaned up, it is all in vain, and will not last in the long-term whenever we stop “treatment”. We are NOT supposed to be stuck in need of constant treatment - we are supposed to treat the core issues and then be able to finally live a normal life. Read the study here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16009067/
Read MoreNew research investigating the role of mold in covid-19
Researchers are investigating the role of fungi in current epidemic. Read the article here: https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/breaking-covid-19-news-scientists-discover-drug-resistant-hybrid-fungus-aspergillus-latus-involved-in-lung-infections-of-certain-covid-19-patients and remember to get yourself checked for mold and toxic load BEFORE you get sick!
Read MoreGarlic for better dental health and to combat gingivitis
“Conclusion: This research demonstrated that daily consumption of garlic benefits oral health by reducing gingival inflammation and gingival bleeding, as compared to a placebo control.”
Read the full study in Journal of Clinical Dentistry 2018 Jun;29(2):52-56. The Efficacy of Aged Garlic Extract on Gingivitis - A Randomized Clinical Trial. Zini A et al.
Read MoreHow I boost my immune health: article interview in online magazine To The Moon, Honey (Danish only)
Using infrared sauna therapy as a treatment method.
Infrared sauna therapy is a standard part of most of the detoxification programs I make for the purpose of ridding the body of nasty stuff we find through lab testing, such as chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals and mycotoxins. All of these compounds are linked to various chronic health issues, such as migraines, infertility, digestive disorders, joint pain, brain fog, along with more serious, like cancer, autoimmunity, hormone disorders. These are signs, most often, that the body is collapsing from toxic load and needs help. The body doesn’t just get sick out of nowhere - it gets sick when there are blockages present - mental such as stress and biochemical such as toxic load. I use infrared sauna therapy in combo with taking binders for the toxins found, because there is scientific evidence that this method works to detoxify. That it works can be seen in the subsequent laboratory testing. Yes, we like to work based on facts and evaluate progress based on numbers and not ideas, beliefs and food religions. Health care should be fact based, not general ideas or theories or one-size-fits-all diets just to sell books. Detoxing through gimmick diets and juice fasting does not rid the body of toxins - it only temporarily solves constipation issues in the colon. You cannot medically detox without knowing WHAT you need to detox from, the minerals needed to facilitate detox, understanding whether the cell membranes are functioning or need to be repaired. If our cell membranes are damaged, we cannot absorb nutrients optimally nor can we detox properly. Many steps and individual assessments go into detoxing properly if it is to work. Most, if not all, chronic health issues today are tied to toxicity to some degree. Yes, virus, retrovirus, fungi, parasites and bacteria are almost always involved also. But unless the body has a opportunistic environment, these opportunistic pathogens will in the majority of cases not be able to affect the individual. In just one out of many studies they concluded "Increasing evidence suggests that IR can carry out photostimulation and photobiomodulation effects particularly benefiting neural stimulation, wound healing, and cancer treatment ... Clinical evidence has demonstrated that IR can selectively induce cell death by apoptosis, necrosis and anoikis." So which key things are you looking for if you want to get an infrared sauna yourself?
Read MoreBefore and after.
Bottom shows thermography showing aggressive gut flora. Top image shows 6 months later: all inflammation cleared up and relapse for primary diagnosis of cancer drastically reduced.
Thermography: What your body looks like with Superman x-ray.
Some of you know that I do thermography scans in addition to advanced laboratory testing in my practice. A thermography - also known as infrared scan - is able to often detect disease before they manifest. Thermography is able to see the onset of tissue changes (inflammation) before a solid tumor can be seen with mammography. When we already have solid tumors, there have been often 5-10 years of tissues changes going on. It is a much more difficult path to treat disease in the late stages than in the early stages. We can prevent disease if we detect the first imbalances early.
Read MoreLiposomal vitamins
designed to be absorbed.
These vitamins are 100x more powerful than your everyday supplement
Last year I wrote an article about the most powerful vitamins developed. You might have heard of them. They are liposomal vitamins. These types of vitamins are designed to be absorbed and I personally prefer these over IV vitamin injections, simple because they can enter into the tissue, whereas IV injections still mainly stay in the blood stream, making it more relevant treatment for acute infections rather than ongoing anti-aging benefits. We want the vitamin value to go up INSIDE the cells, not merely outside.
I have been monitoring the effects on lab testing throughout the past year. There is no comparison to regular supplements.You can read the full article I wrote about these vitamins (in Danish) right here. This was my most popular article of 2017. An English version that I wrote about same subject, explaining some of the amazing benefits of liposomal vitamins will be going out in VitaViva's newsletter later this month - sign up for their newsletter if you want to read it.
Read MoreTrojan Horse Theory: Why you don't want to cut out all fruits in cancer
We know that sugar feeds cancer, but that doesn't mean that you should cut out everything containing forms of sugar. After all our body needs sugar (not that white stuff, mind you) for optimal health. This extremist thinking and constant manipulation of nature is not serving us. Nature is already designed to keep us healthy - and we need a balance of carb, protein and fats to function. However, knowing which plants and foods work for certain diseases is the key. Not manipulating by extracting or changing the existing structure of the foods. What we are constantly discovering is that many nutrients work synergistic. This means they need to be taken with certain other compounds, that are naturally already present in the foods they are found in to be utilized optimally. When we extract them isolated or change the structure of foods - we compromise bio-availability. And what we don't absorb, we can't benefit from. Unfortunately, many people - yes, even health practitioners - fail to understand the brilliance of nature. Nature has designed certain foods to have sugar attached to it right along with potent anticancer compounds, so that the cancer cells eat it - and then the anticancer compounds kill it from the inside. This is nothing less than super intelligent design. I have collected the scientific references for using raw honey as antidiabetic, antiobesity, antimicrobial and anticancer agent right here...
Read MoreCranberries. One of nature's remedies for UTI.
How to combat Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract infection is common amongst those of us who have a history of antiobiotic use. UTI is closely tied to an imbalance in intestinal flora. There are 3 things to look for if dealing with re-occurring UTIs.
Read MoreThe Dead Sea is known for its natural curative effects on skin ailments. And so, so gorgeous.
Jump in the ocean and nourish your skin!
The salty ocean water is rich in trace minerals and has a molecular structure very similar to healthy human blood. It comes as no surprise that it has vast beneficial effects on our skin, which is our largest organ. Especially The Dead Sea bordering Israel has shown to be of immense medicinal healing value for psoriasis, eczema and skin disorders as such. This, mainly due to to the high concentration of magnesium which is essential when treating dry skin conditions.
Read MoreWild oregano oil is one of the most powerful remedies to have in your house at all times to combat BOTH antibiotic resistant bacteria like MRSA and many treatment-resistant viral infections, like MERS.
How to treat superbugs
There's a superbug called MERS spreading fast across Saudi Arabia and Northern Africa. Here's my emergency advice on what to do to keep safe from this antibiotic and vaccine resistant superbug. Western medicine has ZERO solutions for this superbug - no vaccines, no treatment whatsoever, so being knowledgable of other time-proven remedies that have broad spectrum effect can prove life saving.
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