Some of you know that I do thermography scans in addition to advanced laboratory testing in my practice. A thermography - also known as infrared scan - is able to often detect disease before they manifest. Thermography is able to see the onset of tissue changes (inflammation) before a solid tumor can be seen with mammography. When we already have solid tumors, there have been often 5-10 years of tissues changes going on. It is a much more difficult path to treat disease in the late stages than in the early stages. We can prevent disease if we detect the first imbalances early.
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There is a lot of confusion these days about vitamin D. Some advice on extreme levels while others advice just a pinch more than where we see bones falling apart. As with most things the real answer is found in the middle - oh man, no not the middle - the middle is so boring, you might say, but hey, that is only cos you are a dopamine addict like the rest of us hanging on to our phones like heroin addicts. Yeah enough of that. Sustainability is often found in the middle ground and so it is here as well. On one side we have the totally outdated advice of just making sure we are over approximately 50 nmol/L (20 ng/mL). This advice is setting the bar so low that we are just not developing obvious symptoms of vitamin D deficiency like osteoporosis.
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One of my biggest pet-peeves is genetically modified crops. Not only is it incredibly bad for our health as is proven in independent studies time and time again, but it has far more dangerous consequences for us at a global as well as individual level.
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Last year I wrote an article about the most powerful vitamins developed. You might have heard of them. They are liposomal vitamins. These types of vitamins are designed to be absorbed and I personally prefer these over IV vitamin injections, simple because they can enter into the tissue, whereas IV injections still mainly stay in the blood stream, making it more relevant treatment for acute infections rather than ongoing anti-aging benefits. We want the vitamin value to go up INSIDE the cells, not merely outside.
I have been monitoring the effects on lab testing throughout the past year. There is no comparison to regular supplements.You can read the full article I wrote about these vitamins (in Danish) right here. This was my most popular article of 2017. An English version that I wrote about same subject, explaining some of the amazing benefits of liposomal vitamins will be going out in VitaViva's newsletter later this month - sign up for their newsletter if you want to read it.
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Often when we think of someone suffering from lung cancer, we think about a chain smoker. However, smoking is only one of the risks. Lung cancer is an incredibly aggressive disease and as we only need to breathe in certain toxins for us to be at risk, it is nice to know what we might want to think of avoiding to stay safe.
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Goji berries are in a category of foods known as tonic herbs. These powerful plants have the potential to penetrate deep into the body, affecting our physical, mental and even spiritual development. Yes, there is much more to this berry than just its recognized superfood power due to its antioxidant contents.
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I love whey, and especially because it is a broad-spectrum superfood - meaning there is not an ailment that it doesn't cater for. The only exception being for hypersensitive biochemistry types, which will not be able to tolerate the dairy protein present. The majority of those of us dealing just with simple dairy sensitivity do well with whey. And it's delicious as a banana, coconut and whey smoothie.
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Sharktank's Daymond John recently opened up about his thyroid cancer diagnosis - and how he is happy to have survived due to surgery. Unfortunately, you often cannot cure cancer in the long run by cutting it out. This is one of the biggest false beliefs that causes us to rest assured in our current ways, instead of looking into why we developed thyroid cancer and target that in addition to undergoing surgery, yes. The issue with simply cutting out the thyroid in Daymond's case is that when we get nodules on our thyroid, it is usually correlated with iodine deficiency and heavy metal toxicity - both of which go undetected even at many executive health checkups.
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Did You Know That Glutathione Is One Of The Most Important Antioxidants To Focus One When Dealing With Autoimmune Disorders, Cancer And General Immune Boosting?
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Food is the strongest medicine we have. That is, when you understand how to use it for different diseases. No one can patent food as God made it, and thank... well, God for that.
This is, however, where it also often gets complicated. Because we can't patent something, few resources is set off to promote it, regardless of how efficient the cure is - simply because the profit is very low in doing so. The science of using food to cure diseases from a-z goes back thousands of years. It is well studied regardless of modern Medicine only recently being open for integrating nutritional and gene science into Western treatment modalities.
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People with brain tumors should be selective about antidepressants.There is a chemical made in the brain called glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). GDNF is mainly responsible for repair of neurons after injury. However, the problem is that it also helps brain tumor cells survive. It also helps tumor cells migrate and invade surrounding brain tissue.
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Customized nutrition is matched to your biochemical blueprint - that's beyond diet fads and gimmicks. We all need to understand our biochemistry to nourish our health and avoid triggers unique for our body. No Size Fits All - No Diet Will Ever Fit All. I don't care if it's vegan, paleo, Dr Whatever's diet - there is no such thing as one-fits-all. The only way to take the guess work out of what will work for your body is to get tested.
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We know that sugar feeds cancer, but that doesn't mean that you should cut out everything containing forms of sugar. After all our body needs sugar (not that white stuff, mind you) for optimal health. This extremist thinking and constant manipulation of nature is not serving us. Nature is already designed to keep us healthy - and we need a balance of carb, protein and fats to function. However, knowing which plants and foods work for certain diseases is the key. Not manipulating by extracting or changing the existing structure of the foods. What we are constantly discovering is that many nutrients work synergistic. This means they need to be taken with certain other compounds, that are naturally already present in the foods they are found in to be utilized optimally. When we extract them isolated or change the structure of foods - we compromise bio-availability. And what we don't absorb, we can't benefit from. Unfortunately, many people - yes, even health practitioners - fail to understand the brilliance of nature. Nature has designed certain foods to have sugar attached to it right along with potent anticancer compounds, so that the cancer cells eat it - and then the anticancer compounds kill it from the inside. This is nothing less than super intelligent design. I have collected the scientific references for using raw honey as antidiabetic, antiobesity, antimicrobial and anticancer agent right here...
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New study shows that elevated blood levels of folate increases risk of breast cancer. News like this is always tricky stuff, because it tends to scare many of us so much, that we immediately look at the label of our vitamins and toss out anything containing said vitamin.
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Chemo is designed to kill all living - and that's why if cancer won't kill you, chemo sometimes will. A New Study Came Out, Which Found That Chemotherapy Causes Long-Term Immune System Damage, Significantly Reducing Levels Of Key Immune Cells In Patients For At Least 9 Months After Treatment. In addition we already know that chemo potentially alters DNA for life. Why auto-immune disease often follows in the waters of chemo therapy, if one is lucky to survive the chemo.
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New research reveals that ginger is a powerful anti-cancer medicine. This does not mean that ginger alone is enough though. Nobody gets cured by just eating ginger, make no mistake of that. However as part of a program, we need to understand how to utilize nature’s medicine cabinet.
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Science confirms turmeric to be as efficient as 14 drugs including potent for diseases that are drug-resistant and multiple drug-resistant cancers.. Following is a collection of studies confirming turmeric as potent as any prescription drug in most cases - and without gut damaging side-effects:
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Chemotherapy is a chemical carpet-bombing used in conventional medicine that poisons the entire body. The theory is that because the tumor shrinks during chemo, the survival rate should increase. Statistics is not clear: there is no scientific data to support using chemo for all cancer types, on the contrary. Much of chemotherapy today is done at experiential level, meaning it is not evidence-based yet. Unless the tumor stem cells are removed or destroyed, the tumor often grows back.
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