Step 1 to ensure that one's immune system is strong is always to ensure we do not have underlying toxicity problem, as bacteria and viruses thrive in environments affected by i.e. heavy metals. Obviously we can’t detox a chemical problem or heavy metal toxicity in a week, this is something we should be addressing for the long run to prevent future issues and not last minute. So note to self to get sorted out, if you have not done that yet. I am finding tons of people walking around with chronic issues yet not having gotten sorted out properly in regards to these issues being linked to mold, pesticides, chemicals, heavy metals and so forth.
Read MoreNew research shows promise for detoxing mercury
Mercury is still one of the heavy metals that takes a long time to detoxify with the remedies we know today - that is, if we want to do it safely and not risk redistributing it around our body and brain. Redistribution is a major concern with some of the methods widely used today i.e. DMPS and DMSA along with taking chlorella alone (must always be taken with another thiol-containing substance such as cilantro, as it is not stable for detox purposes taken alone). Important to be aware that approx. 30% of people can't tolerate chlorella very well, which might be due to optimized function of the enzyme cellulase. If you are unable to tolerate chlorella, one might consider adding an enzyme with cellulase in it to help digest the chlorella. Recently more and more studies with chitosan, however, seem to show that this substance may be more effective for mercury. On a sidenote: I will be in Los Angeles March + April, where I can be booked for talks, workshops etc. Check out examples of some of the previous talks I’ve done by clicking right here >>
Read MoreIs going meatless a game-changer?
Y’all have probably already seen the movie making its rounds on Netflix: Game Changer. Now this is not going to be an in-depth analysis of everything that’s wrong or right with this movie with scientific references to back it up. Because here’s the deal: you can find scientific studies on almost anything to back up your agenda. The problem with the majority of science today is it is deliberately designed to make for a specific outcome due to vested interests (one of the movie producers of Game Changer sells pea protein for a living, just saying). So the solution is to use your brain and consider whether things make sense. Logical reasoning is something we don’t use very much anymore, to the point where we will almost believe anything if the sentence “science” follows. There is a huge difference between whether the “so-called science” is done on men, women, old, young, athletes, overweight, underweight, someone with a history of addiction or just your plain old average sedentary Joe. These segments do not share the same biochemical blueprint nor do they metabolize foods the same way and their requirements to perform optimally for their life is very different.
Read MoreFull day workshop Sunday 28th of April in Præstø (Danish only)
I will be doing a first-of-its-kind full day workshop, geared to give you specific strategies to pinpoint underlying causes and how to self-help tools to treat those areas yourself. This is a unique opportunity especially for those of you not able to come in for full check-ups to get my help in pinpointing cause of your cancer and gain tools to target those areas. We will mainly be focusing on natural medicine and how-to-use-food-as-medicine, but not just in regards to cancer foods, but more specifically in regards to causes of cancer and how we can rid the body of those cancer-triggering compounds.
Read MoreMake your own health bar
Make herbs a part of your daily self-care to nourish your body+soul by setting up a few staple superfoods that you can easy throw in the blender in the morning. Supplements are expensive, even the cheapest no-name brands - because stuff that doesn't work is always expensive no matter the cost; simply because most are loaded with synthetic and gut-damaging fillers in addition to having poor bioavailability.
Read MoreSharktank Daymond John's battle with cancer
Sharktank's Daymond John recently opened up about his thyroid cancer diagnosis - and how he is happy to have survived due to surgery. Unfortunately, you often cannot cure cancer in the long run by cutting it out. This is one of the biggest false beliefs that causes us to rest assured in our current ways, instead of looking into why we developed thyroid cancer and target that in addition to undergoing surgery, yes. The issue with simply cutting out the thyroid in Daymond's case is that when we get nodules on our thyroid, it is usually correlated with iodine deficiency and heavy metal toxicity - both of which go undetected even at many executive health checkups.
Read MoreTop 3 essential oils to degrade biofilms
Biofilms are a sticky cover made by bacteria - often encapsulating bad bacteria leading to chronic health conditions and fatigue. The National Institutes of Health estimates that more than 80% of microbial infections in the human body are caused by biofilm, many of them creating chronic conditions.
Read MoreWhy I don't care much about so-called "science" in the medical industry
Did you know that almost every single synthetic medicine is inspired by a plant? And that the reason we don't utilize the intelligence that already exists in nature is a matter of profit: we cannot patent plants and this means the profit margin is lower, if we choose to turn towards natural medicine - medicine that our body can actually understand and recognize at a cell-level. This in stark contrast to all the nasty side-effects of synthetic medication. The science of how different plants work against different diseases has been shown time and time again to be next-to-none in the laboratory. Plants outperform any man-made drug. So why are we trying to reinvent what already exists and is perfect? Last week I was featured in VoyageLA on my thoughts on food, nutrition and why we get sick.
Read More5 fatburning herbs
Here are the top 5 herbs I typically include in most programs geared to optimize fatburn, eliminate cravings and normalize insulin sensitivity aka enter the fatburn zone incl. reverse diabetes 2. So what are the top 5 herbs for fatburn?
Read MoreTrojan Horse Theory: Why you don't want to cut out all fruits in cancer
We know that sugar feeds cancer, but that doesn't mean that you should cut out everything containing forms of sugar. After all our body needs sugar (not that white stuff, mind you) for optimal health. This extremist thinking and constant manipulation of nature is not serving us. Nature is already designed to keep us healthy - and we need a balance of carb, protein and fats to function. However, knowing which plants and foods work for certain diseases is the key. Not manipulating by extracting or changing the existing structure of the foods. What we are constantly discovering is that many nutrients work synergistic. This means they need to be taken with certain other compounds, that are naturally already present in the foods they are found in to be utilized optimally. When we extract them isolated or change the structure of foods - we compromise bio-availability. And what we don't absorb, we can't benefit from. Unfortunately, many people - yes, even health practitioners - fail to understand the brilliance of nature. Nature has designed certain foods to have sugar attached to it right along with potent anticancer compounds, so that the cancer cells eat it - and then the anticancer compounds kill it from the inside. This is nothing less than super intelligent design. I have collected the scientific references for using raw honey as antidiabetic, antiobesity, antimicrobial and anticancer agent right here...
Read More5 criteria for choosing a supplement that works
Supplements and superfoods are not a free zone. if you do not check what you are buying quality wise, you risk eating loads of contaminants and fillers that do absolutely no good for your health.
Read MoreSchizandra is the most powerful detoxifier and SAFE!
Most detoxification herbs, including milk thistle, work by detoxing the liver and then dumping it into the bloodstream where it, unfortunately, often is reabsorbed again. Enter Schizandra.
Read MoreGinger kills cancer cells
New research reveals that ginger is a powerful anti-cancer medicine. This does not mean that ginger alone is enough though. Nobody gets cured by just eating ginger, make no mistake of that. However as part of a program, we need to understand how to utilize nature’s medicine cabinet.
Read MoreTurmeric as efficient as 14 drugs: Science confirms
Science confirms turmeric to be as efficient as 14 drugs including potent for diseases that are drug-resistant and multiple drug-resistant cancers.. Following is a collection of studies confirming turmeric as potent as any prescription drug in most cases - and without gut damaging side-effects:
Read MoreHow to treat superbugs
There's a superbug called MERS spreading fast across Saudi Arabia and Northern Africa. Here's my emergency advice on what to do to keep safe from this antibiotic and vaccine resistant superbug. Western medicine has ZERO solutions for this superbug - no vaccines, no treatment whatsoever, so being knowledgable of other time-proven remedies that have broad spectrum effect can prove life saving.
Read More6 nutrition strategies to aid fracture healing
So, last year I fractured my right elbow in a mountain bike incident; too bad cause I have always wanted to pick up skateboarding. However, I can honestly say that this broken bone incident has put me off risking breaking anything else, which inevitably happens on a skateboard. This regardless of bone density level; bones tend just not to like kissing the asphalt at full speed very much. Super annoying, it makes you realize you are not Batman afterall.
Read More3 biggest take-aways from TEDMED 2015
Last year I went to Palm Springs and the annual TED conference for the medical community. TEDMED is a global community dedicated to unlocking imagination in service of health and medicine. It is an annual two and a half day gathering, TEDMED brings together inspiring speakers, influential Delegates and innovative start-ups.
Read MoreThe No. 1 Superfood To Detox
Most detoxification herbs, including milk thistle, work by detoxing the liver and then dumping it into the bloodstream where it, unfortunately, often is reabsorbed again. Enter this secret superberry used in ancient China.
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