Not just what you eat but when you eat. I’ve written an article on how meal-timing is key for hormone regulation, weight-loss and blood sugar: And this is also why intermittent fasting is not for everyone long-term: especially women’s hormones are sensitive to fasting over 12-14 hours and will see negative impact on metabolism, estrogen and adrenals if longer fasting is practiced long-term.
Read MoreNEW testing for fluoride
The WHO considers safe levels of fluoride in drinking water to be <1mg per liter. Studies find just 1.5mg/L of fluoride in water is linked to a reduction in the thyroid hormones T3, T4, and TSH. We know very little about whether everyday products like fluoride-filled toothpaste is an issue health-wise - is the dosage to small to matter or is it a dealbreaker in long-term use? We don’t know, because we have not been able to test for it til now. And we can’t really treat what we can’t test for, unfortunately. Low thyroid function is epidemic today. Part of the reason may be heavy metals in addition to halogenic chemicals, like fluoride, and the other part is typically related to mineral deficiency, such as iodine (also opportunistic viruses, such as Epstein-Barr often is implicated in thyroid issues). According to WHO 40% of the world population live in areas where iodine is deficient. I just now got hold of a new testing method for fluoride, which has been on my wish-list for the last decade. In this test we will be testing all minerals, heavy metals, certain vitamins and now also fluoride. I am super excited that I am able to offer clinically proven test method for this compound. Book the “heavy metal + mineral analysis” in the online booking calendar to get your fluoride levels checked.
Read MoreWhy you get fatter when you sleep later
The no. 1 thing that has personally affected my weight the most in my life has not been my eating or exercise habits, but times when sleep has been sketchy - I could literally feel myself gaining weight from week to week during poor sleeping periods. We can’t eat or exercise our way out of lack of sleep. The only cure for lack of sleep is sleep. Here is a study exploring the connection between weight issues and poor sleep: “Late bedtimes and late wake up times are associated with an unfavorable activity and weight status profile, independent of age, sex, household income, geographical remoteness, and sleep duration.” Read the full study in: Sleep. 2011 Oct 1; 34(10): 1299–1307. Published online 2011 Oct 1. Sleep Duration or Bedtime? Exploring the Relationship between Sleep Habits and Weight Status and Activity Patterns Tim S. Olds And so the next question is how do we reset our circadian rhythm?
Read MoreAre vegetarians more at risk for mental disorders/depression/anxiety?
“Conclusion: Vegetarian men have more depressive symptoms after adjustment for socio-demographic factors. Nutritional deficiencies (e.g. in cobalamin or iron) are a possible explanation for these findings, however reverse causation cannot be ruled out.” There has been a lot of studies on health benefits of vegan/vegetarian diets - both pro and con. Some show improved health aspects and some do not. Many of the health benefits are likely associated with simply choosing whole foods over processed foods and not exclusion of meat. Otherwise there would be no case for the carnivore diet which is currently trending.
Read MoreLong-term consequence of keto
Overall, our current data demonstrate that maintenance on a KD may impair glucose tolerance over time and have detrimental effects on the ability to mount a sufficient insulin response to a high-carbohydrate meal. The effects on glucose homeostasis, however, are rapidly reversible upon resumption of a high-carbohydrate diet. Finally, despite the effects of a KD on peripheral insulin and glucose tolerance, responsivity to the anorectic effects of central insulin is enhanced. The results of these studies underscore the necessity to fully examine how dietary macronutrient manipulation affects multiple metabolic parameters to identify potential consequences.” Read the full study here: The main take-away being that because something is good short-term, that doesn’t mean it’s good long-term.
Read MoreShould you cut out carbs, protein or fat?
Obviously this will depend on what else is going on - some of us may have times in our life when we have a higher need for one specific macro-nutrient group based on our lifestyle, current health issues and goals.
However the war on carbs, protein or fat has got to end.
We all need a variety of macros, and there is not one group which is solely responsible for poor health or weight gain.
A seasonal diet will naturally fluctuate in carbs, proteins and fats throughout the year and this seems to be what the body prefers. But many of us are not living a seasonal diet - we are living off heavy Fall foods: grains, dairy, red meat etc. And this lack of variety creates the baseline for the extreme diets to counteract the way we tend to live.
However, extremism is not the solution - variety is.
“Healthy diet, regardless of macronutrient emphasis, directly mitigated subclinical cardiac injury and inflammation in a population at risk for cardiovascular disease. These findings support dietary recommendations emphasizing healthy foods rather than any one macronutrient.” Read the full study in International Journal of Cardiology. Healthy diet reduces markers of cardiac injury and inflammation regardless of macronutrients: Results from the OmniHeart trial Lara C. Kovell et al.
Read MoreDANISH ONLY ONLINE WEBINAR 6th of august: The link between toxicity and our chronic health issues (event for Danish Biohacker Society)
Register for this Danish-only event 6th of August via facebook group “Danish Biohacker Society” here: and click here to read more about the event.
Read MoreHow I boost my immune health: article interview in online magazine To The Moon, Honey (Danish only)
The best aluminium-free deodorants article interview (Danish only)
I am interviewed by online magazine about health issues surrounding heavy metals and common beauty products that spell disaster for our health and long-term beauty. Did you know that aluminium (present amongst other things in most deodorants) is linked to Alzheimer’s, infertility and breast cancer risk? This interview is in Danish only. Click on to read it.
Read MoreAlways tired? Client case story article in Danish magazine "Søndag" (Danish only)
I have a client case story of Danish best-selling author and media personality Emilia Van Hauen featured in Danish magazine “Søndag” - the article is in Danish only. In the article we talk about various factors which contribute to chronic fatigue and hormonal imbalances - a widespread issue amongst both men and women today, Click on to read the article on the blog.
Read MoreNew study reveals Denmark's water supply is spilling over with pesticides
One of the key things I test the majority of my clients for are pesticides. Many Danish doctors in Denmark call this “alternative”. I use CLIA-accredited laboratories by the way - and you can see a before and after case study of how chemicals from drinking water were messing with a client of mine in a post dated March 3rd 2020. She noted she felt a difference shortly after installing a shower filter even! Let me be clear: there is nothing “alternative” about testing for substances known to cause infertility, disrupt hormones and much more. However, it is VERY alternative, to say the least, that we are not recommended to test for pesticides when we go to a health check at our primary care physician. How on earth are they going to treat those myriad of symptoms associated with pesticide toxicity, if they don’t even know how to test for it? Or better yet would be to understand the need for collaboration in heath care today - both acute symptom-mangement is absolutely needed along with a more cause-oriented approach to prevent disease in the future. One without the other is useless. The conventional health care system today is by far the most “alternative” solution to health problems. It is indeed quite “alternative” to treat infertility with huge doses of synthetic hormones, rather than test for hormone disrupting substances firstly at least. A new study from the environmental agency of Denmark just released this report here of how we are literally drowning in pesticides. Yet no one is talking about the importance of TESTING people so we can treat them accordingly. Read the Danish article about the matter here:
Read MoreHow to boost fertility guide (Danish only guide)
I’ve co-written part of Vitaviva’s Fertility guide which includes case studies and evidence-based tips from different experts in their respective fields. The guide is available when you buy their Fertility pack - get it here for women’s needs: and for men’s needs get it here:
Read MoreEmilia Van Hauen writes about current health epidemics we are facing
Danish bestselling author and media personality, Emilia van Hauen, had a health check done at the clinic a few months ago. She writes here in an article in the Danish newspaper Jyllandsposten about epidemics that plague our society - in addition to the current catastrophic situation we are in the middle of, which hopefully can, on a more positive note, help act as an eye opener to change other “silent” health-damaging areas of our society today (Danish only):
Read MoreNew Copenhagen event (in Danish only) Tuesday 5th of May: Anti-aging strategies to look and feel great
Tuesday 5th of May 17-19:30 at Health Clinic, Amaliegade 42, 1236 Copenhagen I am doing another open talk even in Copenhagen - write to to register. Did you know that your liver is your # 1 anti-aging organ? That your liver is responsible for metabolizing hormones and detoxifying. If your liver does not work you will see it in your skin and may also suffer with reduced ability to burn fat as well as hormonal imbalances - things we most often treat as symptoms rather than identifying the underlying cause. Last open talk event in February was fully booked. I can be booked for talks in Los Angeles and Copenhagen - to book a talk drop me a line by replying to this email.
Read MoreWomen's breast health and hormones: Client case before and after
Here is another client case which shows significant improvement in as little as 4 months (October to February). Left side is “before” which shows how hormonal disrupting substances are affection her breast tissue and right side shows “after” and reveals drastic improvement. Now this client is also a type-A client, she does everything to the dot and follows-through - reaping the results in short time. In the initial consultation we also lab tested her for hormonal disrupting substances as a thermography scan doesn’t tell WHY, it only tells what things look like in the body - general inflammation and health status. And to treat the cause and not the symptoms, we want to keep asking “why” questions until there are no more questions to ask - so we asked why there might be showing hormonal imbalances in her breast tissue. And that led us to want to test for hormone disrupting substances such as mycotoxins.
Read MoreClient case study: before and after
"Test don't guess" applies to any health matter - but the key question remains whether we are testing for trickle down effects or causative factors? What we choose to test for will shape how succesful our treatment outcome in the long run is - symptom management vs. treating the cause.
Read MoreHow I got into biological medicine and advanced lab testing (Danish article in ELLE magazine)
This month I am featured in ELLE magazine (Danish march month edition) on how I got into biological medicine and advanced lab testing. Some of you might know I started out working for doctors in Copenhagen and thereafter moved to New York to buy lots of painfully ridiculous stilettos (because that’s what you do in NY) and work for celebrity-doctor Dr. Braverman. Thereafter, I moved on to California, where I opened my first clinic. Education-wise I started out with a basic degree in Human Nutrition in Copenhagen and later on got certified in Switzerland in Biological Medicine, in Bioresonance in Germany, in Medical Thermography along with Clinical lab diagnostics and Ayurveda in California, along with well, the California-mandatory yoga teacher certificate. Because it’s like, if you go to LA, everyone and their grandma is a mix of life coach/yoga teacher/actor/barista/instagram model/waitress/surfer, so you might as well go with the flow.
These days I have a gorgeous clinic location in Copenhagen along with a pop-up office in Venice, LA. All labs and scans are evaluated by my American doctor team, which guarantees you a cross-disciplinary team approach when you walk through the doors.
Anyway, you can find a collection of prints and articles I have been featured in right here. I will be in Los Angeles throughout April - reply to this email to make your appointment in advance.
Read MoreComing to Los Angeles - book your appointment now
So while I have my main office in Copenhagen these days, I am in Venice, Los Angeles annually to see clients - dates of my next LA visit are: April 5th - April 20th 2019. I will be seeing clients from 10AM - 4PM. You can reply to this email to book your appointment now. If you are a new client and want to know more about what a top-to-toe health check-up entails click here. This year has been super busy and super good for me. I have done a ton of stuff, attended more ongoing education in the fields of biofeedback in Germany and also clinical courses in heavy metals and detoxification methods which has enhanced my own skills in how to best treat various health issues. I have written for various fashion and health magazines and talked at the Danish Cancer Conference in November. I have had significant better treatment results with cancer and autoimmune disorders the last couple years, because new laboratory testing has been developed, which has enabled us to pinpoint the cause of these devastating diseases. That means we can finally start understanding WHY people are sick and treat that - instead of getting lost in the ripple-down effects.
Read MoreLooks delicious…
but after a week you’ll be screaming for a piece of fruit.
Why the Keto diet spells disaster for breastcancer
One of the largest studies to date on the keto diet and breast cancer recently came out and showed clearly: NO you should not forego fruit, potatoes, legumes, and whole grains in order to load up on fat and more fat on the current keto-craze, if you want to have the best survival rate when it comes to breast cancer. Now why might that be?
Read MoreMercury poisoning is epidemic in everyone over 40+.
Dental fillings - even if they have been removed - being one of the main causes.
What hormone issues, weight gain, digestive issues and mental health have in common.
I can’t stand the word detox frankly. Yet I use it more than any other word in my practice these days. It is one of the core things I do today, because the lab testing I do is repeatedly showing that most issues you guys are coming in with are due to blockages in the system due to various accumulated toxins. Most symptoms can be traced back to different toxins that are interfering with the body’s ability to function and repair normally. Sidenote: For those of you who were at my talk in Øksnehallen in Copenhagen Sunday 30th of September I am attaching handouts for the talk as promised - click here to download the notes (DANISH only).
Read More