There is a lot of confusion these days about vitamin D. Some advice on extreme levels while others advice just a pinch more than where we see bones falling apart. As with most things the real answer is found in the middle - oh man, no not the middle - the middle is so boring, you might say, but hey, that is only cos you are a dopamine addict like the rest of us hanging on to our phones like heroin addicts. Yeah enough of that. Sustainability is often found in the middle ground and so it is here as well. On one side we have the totally outdated advice of just making sure we are over approximately 50 nmol/L (20 ng/mL). This advice is setting the bar so low that we are just not developing obvious symptoms of vitamin D deficiency like osteoporosis.
Read MoreAward-winning movie on the disaster that is GM crops
One of my biggest pet-peeves is genetically modified crops. Not only is it incredibly bad for our health as is proven in independent studies time and time again, but it has far more dangerous consequences for us at a global as well as individual level.
Read MoreNew study confirms: Stress is worse than junk food.
A new study confirms what many of us already know: that our emotional health overrides whatever we put in our mouth. Stress activates a cascade of toxic biochemical processes in our body, some leading to heart disease, others diabetes and often resulting in weight gain especially around the stomach. Yup, that's right. A telltale sign of stress and not handling it too well is, if we gain weight around our midsection.
Read MoreThese vitamins are 100x more powerful than your everyday supplement
Last year I wrote an article about the most powerful vitamins developed. You might have heard of them. They are liposomal vitamins. These types of vitamins are designed to be absorbed and I personally prefer these over IV vitamin injections, simple because they can enter into the tissue, whereas IV injections still mainly stay in the blood stream, making it more relevant treatment for acute infections rather than ongoing anti-aging benefits. We want the vitamin value to go up INSIDE the cells, not merely outside.
I have been monitoring the effects on lab testing throughout the past year. There is no comparison to regular supplements.You can read the full article I wrote about these vitamins (in Danish) right here. This was my most popular article of 2017. An English version that I wrote about same subject, explaining some of the amazing benefits of liposomal vitamins will be going out in VitaViva's newsletter later this month - sign up for their newsletter if you want to read it.
Read MoreAsbestos: is it in your mattress?
Often when we think of someone suffering from lung cancer, we think about a chain smoker. However, smoking is only one of the risks. Lung cancer is an incredibly aggressive disease and as we only need to breathe in certain toxins for us to be at risk, it is nice to know what we might want to think of avoiding to stay safe.
Read MoreLow-fat diets age us faster
One of the most typical things I see on the lab testing I do is mitochondrial dysfunction. Now if your last biology class was decades ago, this might seem a bit iffy to you. So here is the deal on our mitochondria in short: our mitochondria power the biochemical reactions in our cells.When our mitochondria are not functioning at their peak, we feel tired, lethargic and age quicker.
Read MoreOur bones control our appetite and waistline!
Did you know that our bones act as appetite-mediators? Yes, we have heard that eating dairy and calcium seems to help weight-loss, but why is that exactly? Well part of the reason is now clear: our bones send messengers that cross the blood-brain barrier to let the brain know that sufficient nutrients have been absorbed to keep the bone-building process going.
Read MoreThe mighty goji berry
Goji berries are in a category of foods known as tonic herbs. These powerful plants have the potential to penetrate deep into the body, affecting our physical, mental and even spiritual development. Yes, there is much more to this berry than just its recognized superfood power due to its antioxidant contents.
Read MoreMake your own health bar
Make herbs a part of your daily self-care to nourish your body+soul by setting up a few staple superfoods that you can easy throw in the blender in the morning. Supplements are expensive, even the cheapest no-name brands - because stuff that doesn't work is always expensive no matter the cost; simply because most are loaded with synthetic and gut-damaging fillers in addition to having poor bioavailability.
Read MoreIt's not the calories, it's the chemicals
When was the last time you looked at the ingredient label of your food, rather than the calorie count?
I don't count calories, because, well, calories don't count. No one knows exactly what your body burns daily - and the brain actually burns the most energy, that is if you engage in creative thinking (which is rarely done looking at the calorie counter on the treadmill btw.). Calories are not created equal in how your body responds to them and burns them.
How to choose the right whey protein powder
I love whey, and especially because it is a broad-spectrum superfood - meaning there is not an ailment that it doesn't cater for. The only exception being for hypersensitive biochemistry types, which will not be able to tolerate the dairy protein present. The majority of those of us dealing just with simple dairy sensitivity do well with whey. And it's delicious as a banana, coconut and whey smoothie.
Read More5 superfoods to start eating now
Superfoods are the way to go if you want to provide yourself with a broad spectrum of nutrients that will cater for your every health need, bite by bite. They are usually higher in nutrients than your standard synthetic supplement and the bioavailability is unsurpassed. If you are not already eating these 5 superfoods, consider adding in a couple on a daily basis as a health insurance. This is the closest we get to a "magic pill".
Read MoreThe cellulite solution
Cellulite is a reflection of the state of your liver and lymph system. Your liver and lymph are the key detoxifier organs in your body and when they get sluggish, all the toxins tend to accumulate in fatty tissue which cause the fat cells to swell up - resulting in that bumpy appearance.
Read MoreSharktank Daymond John's battle with cancer
Sharktank's Daymond John recently opened up about his thyroid cancer diagnosis - and how he is happy to have survived due to surgery. Unfortunately, you often cannot cure cancer in the long run by cutting it out. This is one of the biggest false beliefs that causes us to rest assured in our current ways, instead of looking into why we developed thyroid cancer and target that in addition to undergoing surgery, yes. The issue with simply cutting out the thyroid in Daymond's case is that when we get nodules on our thyroid, it is usually correlated with iodine deficiency and heavy metal toxicity - both of which go undetected even at many executive health checkups.
Read MoreTop 10 Anti-inflammatory foods (natural painkillers)
Joint pain and inflammation related disorders are almost something every single one of us deal with at one point in our life, whether we realize what the culprit is or not. If we do not target the inflammation triggers and eliminate it, we will not benefit fully from any healing recovery program. First step: identify the triggers and then the second step is to include as many of the top 10 anti-inflammatory foods from below list as possible with each meal. Keep in mind, that most people need not eliminate every possible trigger noted down here - everyone is different and has a different tolerance threshold.
Read More4 strategies to boost glutathione
Did You Know That Glutathione Is One Of The Most Important Antioxidants To Focus One When Dealing With Autoimmune Disorders, Cancer And General Immune Boosting?
Read MoreTop 3 essential oils to degrade biofilms
Biofilms are a sticky cover made by bacteria - often encapsulating bad bacteria leading to chronic health conditions and fatigue. The National Institutes of Health estimates that more than 80% of microbial infections in the human body are caused by biofilm, many of them creating chronic conditions.
Read MoreAutoimmune diseases: Why you need saturated fat
Autoimmune diseases are a pain in the neck to deal with for those who struggle with it - your own immune system attacking yourself, seems like nature is almost against you. We expect our immune system to PROTECT us, not attack us, right? Well, here's the deal. When we undergo stressors, changes take place on a cellular level - and if the health of the cell-membranes is compromised, hydrolase will begin to leak from the cells out into your body, where an autoimmune reaction will often happen.
Read MoreWomen have 52% serotonin compared to men
Women are not men, surprise. Neither psychologically nor biochemically are we wired similar. There is a lot of freedom to be found in accepting that we are different (yet of equal worth), and we need not follow the same paths to succeed in body, mind and soul mastery. And there is a lot of misery in trying to function as men in the work place and also copying the same food behaviors, because it works for them. We need to find our own formula to thrive in the skin we are in – as women and as individuals. There are a lot of studies out there focusing on men – and taking those results as the golden rule for everyone. Women have 52% levels of serotonin compared to men. This is also why more women than men struggle with eating disorders.
Read MoreOur emotional health affects our physical health
Food is the strongest medicine we have. That is, when you understand how to use it for different diseases. No one can patent food as God made it, and thank... well, God for that.
This is, however, where it also often gets complicated. Because we can't patent something, few resources is set off to promote it, regardless of how efficient the cure is - simply because the profit is very low in doing so. The science of using food to cure diseases from a-z goes back thousands of years. It is well studied regardless of modern Medicine only recently being open for integrating nutritional and gene science into Western treatment modalities.
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