I have a client case story of Danish best-selling author and media personality Emilia Van Hauen featured in Danish magazine “Søndag” - the article is in Danish only. In the article we talk about various factors which contribute to chronic fatigue and hormonal imbalances - a widespread issue amongst both men and women today, Click on to read the article on the blog.
Read MoreMy talk from The Cancer Conference (Danish only)
In 2018 I was a keynote speaker at The Cancer Conference Copenhagen amongst some of Denmark’s most famous doctors incl. Claus Hancke and Carsten Vagn-Hansen. I presented the topic “Treating the cause vs. the symptoms” which you can watch in addition to the video with the panel discussion afterwards, where I answered questions from 4:33 minutes in and onwards. Both videos are in Danish only.
Read MoreAnticancer activity of mimosa pudica
“Conclusion: The results indicated the presence of L-Mimosine in the hydroalcoholic extract of M. pudica. The hydroalcoholic extract and pure compound proved potent inhibitors of cell proliferation, thus manifesting significant antioxidant and anticancer activity.” Lately I have begun using mimosa pudica for a variety of concerns (not the least being parasite infections), and I am really impressed with the results we are getting in combination with other herbal medicines. Even anti-cancer activity has been linked to mimosa pudica. Click here to read the full study.
Read MoreTwin study confirms eating more berries aid weight-loss
“Higher intakes of anthocyanin, flavonol, and proanthocyanidin subclasses were significantly associated with a more favorable fat mass distribution” Read the full study here: Amy Jennings, Alex MacGregor, Tim Spector, Aedin Cassidy. “Higher dietary flavonoid intakes are associated with lower objectively measured body composition in women: evidence from discordant monozygotic twins”. Am J Clin Nutr. 2017 Mar; 105(3): 626–634.
Read MoreClient case: Testing elite athlete's nutrition demands
Mads Tærsbøl is one of Europe’s fastest runners and currently training for the Olympics. He is a dedicated elite athlete and he is always looking to fine-tune anything that can optimize his game. As there were no indicators of toxicity issues, we skipped this step, although we did look at markers for cell health i.e. cell charge (sodium-potassium pump, which is not really a pump, but save that for another day) and minerals as they relate to toxic load. Everything looked in range, so we decided to test for nutrient markers to ensure he is meeting his above-average dietary needs for peak performance. In these times where our soil is so depleted and there is a constant battle in the media about strict vegan vs. meat-and-more-meat philosophies, it becomes evident that we should simply test and not guess, when it comes to health matters and dietary needs for our bodies.
Read MoreShould we believe the so-called "experts"?
Let’s not forget many self-claimed experts are heavily funded by industry. My dad grew up in the 50’s which was spilling over with ads like above and below. Yes, there was a time where people were told by medical doctors that smoking was healthy. Several lawsuits and unfortunately many, many… many decades later, we all know smoking is a top killer. But how could we not question these ads back in the day? How did it in any way seem logical that inhaling smoke would ever be a good idea? It happened because we turned off our brain and relied on authorities blindly. Authorities are meant to guide us because they often do have more detailed knowledge in specific areas than we might have, but they are never to be followed blindly - we should always use our own common sense. No “science” can override common sense. The tobacco industry bribed doctors heavily to promote these lies under a cover of “science” and “doctor-approved”. Is this limited to the doctor field? No, of course not - any “expert title” can be used as a veil to mislead the public when financial interests are at play. We cannot trust on someone based on titles, this is sheep behaviour. We need to always look for the money trail. There is just as much “bad science” today - flawed and rigged by financial interests as there is good unbiased science. As a society we tend to repeat the mistakes of yesterday today - and we cannot afford that anymore. We cannot afford to not adhere to “the precautionary principle” - that means we MUST insist on waiting til things have been tested safe, rather than introducing drugs, new technology etc. just because it has not yet been proven harmful and there are not yet enough deaths to show a statistic correlation. That is insanity. We must insist on NOT using humans as lab rats (and we shouldn’t be using lab rats either for that matter). We are doing this right now in regards to gmo, wireless technology, new drugs, vaccines being released too soon to the public (of course we need vaccines for various diseases, that is not the question, but we need them to have shown “safe” - and that is the controversy today). Luckily more and more doctors are speaking up against the vested financial interests in our health, which has led to us taking drugs based on profitable reasons rather than actual efficacy.
Read More"We have no reason to believe 5G is safe" by Scientific American
“…more than 240 scientists who have published peer-reviewed research on the biologic and health effects of nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal, which calls for stronger exposure limits. The appeal makes the following assertions: “Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.…5G will employ millimeter waves for the first time in addition to microwaves... 5G will require cell antennas every 100-200m, exposing many people to millimeter wave radiation…Millimeter waves are mostly absorbed within a few millimeters of human skin and in the surface layers of the cornea. Short-term exposure can have adverse physiological effects in the peripheral nervous system, the immune system and the cardiovascular system. The research suggests that long-term exposure may pose health risks to the skin (ie melanoma), the eyes (ie ocular melanoma) and the testes (ie sterility)…” Read the article here: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/we-have-no-reason-to-believe-5g-is-safe/
Read MoreThe science of Ayurveda: Study reveals science to ancient body-type classification system
In Ayurveda they use the classification system of the “doshas” to type people. This is a simple yet scientifically based method to be able to quickly determine which biochemistry type a person is, and thus the basic dietary strategies that match that. Now obviously this is just a starting point in regards to the basic stuff like “should this person be eating more protein? or “is a plant-based diet better for this type?”. After typing a person in Ayurveda, you still want to combine this with clinical labs to understand biochemical imbalances of the individual, toxic load, nutrient levels, mitochondrial functioning, digestive capacity, hormones etc. I began understanding the scientific value of this classification system after reading Dr. Eric Braverman’s book “The Edge Effect”, prior to me working for him in New York several years ago now. And this system is not merely some “alternative weird stuff”. More and more medical doctors are beginning to connect the dots of Western clinical science with the time-tested science of ancient Eastern medicine such as Ayurveda. Here are just a few of the studies which support the use of Ayurveda as a science-based method:
Read MoreStatistics of chemotherapy
Testicle cancer is one of the few cancer types which responds extremely well to chemotherapy with a 5-year survival rate of 95%. Yet for the majority of cancers, the survival statistics following chemotherapy is not something to be impressed by. According to a 2004 report by Morgan, Ward, and Barton: "The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies. ... survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA." Read more here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15630849
Read MoreNew study reveals Denmark's water supply is spilling over with pesticides
One of the key things I test the majority of my clients for are pesticides. Many Danish doctors in Denmark call this “alternative”. I use CLIA-accredited laboratories by the way - and you can see a before and after case study of how chemicals from drinking water were messing with a client of mine in a post dated March 3rd 2020. She noted she felt a difference shortly after installing a shower filter even! Let me be clear: there is nothing “alternative” about testing for substances known to cause infertility, disrupt hormones and much more. However, it is VERY alternative, to say the least, that we are not recommended to test for pesticides when we go to a health check at our primary care physician. How on earth are they going to treat those myriad of symptoms associated with pesticide toxicity, if they don’t even know how to test for it? Or better yet would be to understand the need for collaboration in heath care today - both acute symptom-mangement is absolutely needed along with a more cause-oriented approach to prevent disease in the future. One without the other is useless. The conventional health care system today is by far the most “alternative” solution to health problems. It is indeed quite “alternative” to treat infertility with huge doses of synthetic hormones, rather than test for hormone disrupting substances firstly at least. A new study from the environmental agency of Denmark just released this report here of how we are literally drowning in pesticides. Yet no one is talking about the importance of TESTING people so we can treat them accordingly. Read the Danish article about the matter here: https://www.altinget.dk/artikel/stor-undersoegelse-viser-ulovlige-pesticider-i-grundvandet-det-er-helt-uacceptabelt
Read MoreUsing C-vitamin as a treatment method now at hospitals both in New York and China
Read the story in NY POST here: https://nypost.com/2020/03/24/new-york-hospitals-treating-coronavirus-patients-with-vitamin-c/
Yet if you have posted on facebook about c-vitamin treatment the last month or so, you will have experienced it being flagged as “fake news”, and many health writers have been blocked entirely from posting. Why is basic anti-viral advice being flagged as “fake news”? Is it cos the argument is that people are so stupid, they can’t wash their hands AND take c-vitamin? Well, admittedly the IQ has dropped significantly in the population during the last could decades, so this may be a very valid point, and if so I digress. It’s an unfortunate fact: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/iq-rates-are-dropping-many-developed-countries-doesn-t-bode-ncna1008576 However, if not due to our lower iq collectively, it begs the questions: Who are these people who think they have monopoly of health, being allowed to flag stuff as “fake news”? And what happens now with the flagged so-called “fake news” now this treatment method is widely used among many doctors and hospitals?
Read MoreHow to boost fertility guide (Danish only guide)
I’ve co-written part of Vitaviva’s Fertility guide which includes case studies and evidence-based tips from different experts in their respective fields. The guide is available when you buy their Fertility pack - get it here for women’s needs: https://vitaviva.dk/fertility-women.html and for men’s needs get it here: https://vitaviva.dk/fertility-men.html
Read MoreEmilia Van Hauen writes about current health epidemics we are facing
Danish bestselling author and media personality, Emilia van Hauen, had a health check done at the clinic a few months ago. She writes here in an article in the Danish newspaper Jyllandsposten about epidemics that plague our society - in addition to the current catastrophic situation we are in the middle of, which hopefully can, on a more positive note, help act as an eye opener to change other “silent” health-damaging areas of our society today (Danish only): https://jyllands-posten.dk/debat/kronik/ECE12004152/covid19-er-slem-men-der-er-en-epidemi-der-er-endnu-stoerre/
Read MoreNew Copenhagen event (in Danish only) Tuesday 5th of May: Anti-aging strategies to look and feel great
Tuesday 5th of May 17-19:30 at Health Clinic, Amaliegade 42, 1236 Copenhagen I am doing another open talk even in Copenhagen - write to viva@vitavica.com to register. Did you know that your liver is your # 1 anti-aging organ? That your liver is responsible for metabolizing hormones and detoxifying. If your liver does not work you will see it in your skin and may also suffer with reduced ability to burn fat as well as hormonal imbalances - things we most often treat as symptoms rather than identifying the underlying cause. Last open talk event in February was fully booked. I can be booked for talks in Los Angeles and Copenhagen - to book a talk drop me a line by replying to this email.
Read MoreWomen's breast health and hormones: Client case before and after
Here is another client case which shows significant improvement in as little as 4 months (October to February). Left side is “before” which shows how hormonal disrupting substances are affection her breast tissue and right side shows “after” and reveals drastic improvement. Now this client is also a type-A client, she does everything to the dot and follows-through - reaping the results in short time. In the initial consultation we also lab tested her for hormonal disrupting substances as a thermography scan doesn’t tell WHY, it only tells what things look like in the body - general inflammation and health status. And to treat the cause and not the symptoms, we want to keep asking “why” questions until there are no more questions to ask - so we asked why there might be showing hormonal imbalances in her breast tissue. And that led us to want to test for hormone disrupting substances such as mycotoxins.
Read MoreLiposomal turmeric (curcuma) therapeutic effect in breast, prostate, cervical, lung and liver cancer study shows
Turmeric, although an efficient plant medicine, is not very well absorbed, which makes it a so-so choice if not in its liposomal form for treating serious diseases. Liposomes provide a type of effective drug delivery system for curcuma and makes its bioavailability closer to 100%, which is phenomenal. Yes, I am pretty crazy about liposomal nutrients simply because they offer 100% bioavailability - and we are not what we eat, but what we absorb. I was the first practitioner to write about liposomal nutrient delivery system in Denmark almost a decade ago - online publication of the print stil available here (Danish only). Anyways, back to curcuma. In the study they conclude about liposomal curcuma: “Therefore, the combination of curcuma (turmeric) and liposomes may be an ideal strategy in clinical practice to treat cancers.” Read the full study here: Int J Nanomedicine. 2017; 12: 6027–6044. Liposomal curcumin and its application in cancer Ting Feng et al. And download my overview of how turmeric outperforms standard medicine here.
Read MoreClient case study: before and after
"Test don't guess" applies to any health matter - but the key question remains whether we are testing for trickle down effects or causative factors? What we choose to test for will shape how succesful our treatment outcome in the long run is - symptom management vs. treating the cause.
Read MoreJoaquin Phoenix talks about how heartbreakingly bad we are treating animals todays
Joaquin Phoenix discusses the concentration camp like settings that animal slaughter houses today are. Watch him talk about our responsibility to use our voice for the voiceless here:
Italian study links cellphone radiation to heart and brain tumours
Last year, in spite of the mounting evidence (The BioInitiative Report being one along with the massive federal study conducted over two and a half years by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), I was ridiculed by a Danish doctor for stating that EMF is linked to negative health effects including increased risk of brain tumours. I am a firm believer that when in doubt “The Precautionary Principle” should always be the guiding principle. If we are at all to learn from history, we have seen with both tobacco and asbestos that it took decades and millions of bodies before intervention was finally done. I will never understand why, when we have thousands of studies proving how bad it is for animals, that we fail to apply some cautionary sense to how these things might bare negative impact on humans as well, it seems only logical to be cautious in the interim. Now an unprecedented legal ruling links tumour to mobile phone usage. The court said the research was independent and “unlike some others, was not co-financed by the same companies that produce mobile telephones”. Read more here: https://www.ewg.org/release/italian-study-links-cellphone-radiation-heart-and-brain-tumors
Read MoreBreakthrough study on herbal therapies for brain cancer
Rosemary was one of the herbs used medicinally to treat brain cancer.
Treatment of glioblastoma (brain cancer) with herbal medicines
“Forty-eight months after the introduction of phytotherapy, there were no clinical or radiological signs of the disease, in three patients; in one patient, the tumor was reduced and his condition was stable, and one patient lived for 48 months in spite of a large primary tumor and a massive recurrence, which developed after the treatment had been completed. The results achieved in patients in whom tumor regression occurred exclusively through the use of phytotherapy deserve special attention. In order to treat glioblastoma more effectively, it is necessary to develop innovative therapeutic strategies and medicines that should not be limited only to the field of conventional medicine. The results presented in this research paper are encouraging and serve as a good basis for further research on the possibilities of phytotherapy in the treatment of glioblastoma.” Read the full study incl. herbal mixtures here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5809810/ NOTE: I am in Los Angeles March + April - for appointments/lab testing and bookings for workshops/talks etc. contact me.
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