What is affecting our health epidemically right now - wireless technology incl. cell-phones, smartmeters, wifi routers, baby alarms etc. A Silicon-valley engineer turned technology health advocate, Jeromy Johnson discusses our attachment to technology and the health hazards such an addiction may hold. Jeromy Johnson is an expert in mitigating the negative impacts of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure.
Read MoreVitamin C boosts immune health
How to best boost your immune health
Step 1 to ensure that one's immune system is strong is always to ensure we do not have underlying toxicity problem, as bacteria and viruses thrive in environments affected by i.e. heavy metals. Obviously we can’t detox a chemical problem or heavy metal toxicity in a week, this is something we should be addressing for the long run to prevent future issues and not last minute. So note to self to get sorted out, if you have not done that yet. I am finding tons of people walking around with chronic issues yet not having gotten sorted out properly in regards to these issues being linked to mold, pesticides, chemicals, heavy metals and so forth.
Read MoreMercury fillings are the biggest contributor of mercury toxicity
New research shows promise for detoxing mercury
Mercury is still one of the heavy metals that takes a long time to detoxify with the remedies we know today - that is, if we want to do it safely and not risk redistributing it around our body and brain. Redistribution is a major concern with some of the methods widely used today i.e. DMPS and DMSA along with taking chlorella alone (must always be taken with another thiol-containing substance such as cilantro, as it is not stable for detox purposes taken alone). Important to be aware that approx. 30% of people can't tolerate chlorella very well, which might be due to optimized function of the enzyme cellulase. If you are unable to tolerate chlorella, one might consider adding an enzyme with cellulase in it to help digest the chlorella. Recently more and more studies with chitosan, however, seem to show that this substance may be more effective for mercury. On a sidenote: I will be in Los Angeles March + April, where I can be booked for talks, workshops etc. Check out examples of some of the previous talks I’ve done by clicking right here >>
Read MoreShows nerve regeneration following treatment with BPC 157 peptide.
BPC 157 peptide to combat chronic pain and brain injury
Opioid (painkiller) addiction is one of the greatest epidemics of our time, and luckily America is taking action on this debilitating situation politically, which has been a long time in the making. Did you know that after long-term taking pain-killers in the form of opioids you completely blunt you body’s NAD level? NAD is essential to protect tissues, induce DNA repair, and increase life span. NAD therapy has been seen to greatly reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms from alcohol and opioids. Now what is super interesting here is that the peptide BPC 157 has been shown to be able to regenerate damaged nerves in areas linked to pain i.e. combating chronic back pain for good. This break-through treatment method is making opioids obsolete for pain management. “BPC 157 promotes the ex vivo outgrowth of tendon fibroblasts from tendon explants, cell survival under stress, and the in vitro migration of tendon fibroblasts, which is likely mediated by the activation of the FAK-paxillin pathway.” (1) And also worth noting is, that this peptide has shown promise with regards to brain injury: “Brain-trauma study demonstrated that BPC 157 may preserve consciousness and lower brain edema, decrease the number and size of the hemorrhagic traumatic lacerations, and mitigate the intensity of subarachnoidal bleeding with significantly decreased intraventricular hemorrhage, and diminish mortality [68]. Also in supportive analogy, after contusion, BPC 157 (given locally or intraperitoneally) improved crushed muscle healing, with less post-injury haematoma and edema and a complete restitution of function. “ (2) Read the full studies below and ask your physician about treatment with BPC 157 if you suffer with chronic pain or brain injury.
Read MoreDr. Boyd Haley PhD explains the limitations of detox chelators DMSA, DMPS + EDTA
Detoxing is a complex matter and needs to be customized to the individual. And most importantly, we need to be aware of the limitations of the methods we choose to use. In this video one of the pioneers in the field, Dr. Boyd Haley explains the limitations of synthetic detox chelators DMSA, DMPS and EDTA.
Read MoreIs going meatless a game-changer?
Y’all have probably already seen the movie making its rounds on Netflix: Game Changer. Now this is not going to be an in-depth analysis of everything that’s wrong or right with this movie with scientific references to back it up. Because here’s the deal: you can find scientific studies on almost anything to back up your agenda. The problem with the majority of science today is it is deliberately designed to make for a specific outcome due to vested interests (one of the movie producers of Game Changer sells pea protein for a living, just saying). So the solution is to use your brain and consider whether things make sense. Logical reasoning is something we don’t use very much anymore, to the point where we will almost believe anything if the sentence “science” follows. There is a huge difference between whether the “so-called science” is done on men, women, old, young, athletes, overweight, underweight, someone with a history of addiction or just your plain old average sedentary Joe. These segments do not share the same biochemical blueprint nor do they metabolize foods the same way and their requirements to perform optimally for their life is very different.
Read MoreUsing infrared sauna therapy as a treatment method.
Infrared sauna therapy is a standard part of most of the detoxification programs I make for the purpose of ridding the body of nasty stuff we find through lab testing, such as chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals and mycotoxins. All of these compounds are linked to various chronic health issues, such as migraines, infertility, digestive disorders, joint pain, brain fog, along with more serious, like cancer, autoimmunity, hormone disorders. These are signs, most often, that the body is collapsing from toxic load and needs help. The body doesn’t just get sick out of nowhere - it gets sick when there are blockages present - mental such as stress and biochemical such as toxic load. I use infrared sauna therapy in combo with taking binders for the toxins found, because there is scientific evidence that this method works to detoxify. That it works can be seen in the subsequent laboratory testing. Yes, we like to work based on facts and evaluate progress based on numbers and not ideas, beliefs and food religions. Health care should be fact based, not general ideas or theories or one-size-fits-all diets just to sell books. Detoxing through gimmick diets and juice fasting does not rid the body of toxins - it only temporarily solves constipation issues in the colon. You cannot medically detox without knowing WHAT you need to detox from, the minerals needed to facilitate detox, understanding whether the cell membranes are functioning or need to be repaired. If our cell membranes are damaged, we cannot absorb nutrients optimally nor can we detox properly. Many steps and individual assessments go into detoxing properly if it is to work. Most, if not all, chronic health issues today are tied to toxicity to some degree. Yes, virus, retrovirus, fungi, parasites and bacteria are almost always involved also. But unless the body has a opportunistic environment, these opportunistic pathogens will in the majority of cases not be able to affect the individual. In just one out of many studies they concluded "Increasing evidence suggests that IR can carry out photostimulation and photobiomodulation effects particularly benefiting neural stimulation, wound healing, and cancer treatment ... Clinical evidence has demonstrated that IR can selectively induce cell death by apoptosis, necrosis and anoikis." So which key things are you looking for if you want to get an infrared sauna yourself?
Read MoreSOURCE: Morgentaler A. Testosterone and Prostate Cancer: An Historical Perspective on a Modern Myth. European Urology 2006;50: 935–39. PMID: 16875775.
Does testosterone cause prostate cancer?
This is a myth as pervasive as the cholesterol myth that took us around 40 years to come around to. Mind you, the research showing that cholesterol in food was NOT the issue has been around since the 80ies - research lead by Danish doctor Uffe Ravnskov. Indeed it seems that frequently lower levels of testosterone present a greater risk of prostate cancer than higher levels (1,2). A review of data from the National Institutes of Health revealed that, in men of advancing age, “high testosterone levels are not associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer, nor are low testosterone levels protective against prostate cancer” (3). In one of the most comprehensive reviews done on the subject they looked at 18 studies which investigated serum concentrations of androgen and estrogen in 3,886 men with prostate cancer with those in 6,438 healthy controls. There was no significant associations between the risk of prostate cancer and sex hormone levels (4).
Read MoreHere is the deal with vaccines.
That vaccines in themselves are problematic and are linked to autoimmune diseases due to chemical and heavy metal contents has been proven many times as per the study above. What we need to do in these matters is a risk assessment in relations to when to vaccinate and when to skip over. Vaccine = Guarantee of injecting harmful chemicals and neurotoxic heavy metals vs. Risk of disease. Either way, you should never get more than a single vaccine at a time and as late as possible to avoid damaging the "plastic" brain that children have. There is not a black-white answer to whether you should get vaccinated - it depends on your body’s toxic load and assessed risk of disease. Many of the diseases that we today, without blinking, allow ourselves to vaccinate against, pose a smaller risk than a 100 % guarantee of injecting neurotoxins that can eventually lead to other problems. A relatively healthy body can easily deal with a case of sickness - an already impaired body has it harder. And a body is weakened with time of repeated exposure to chemicals and heavy metals, whether or not they come from our medicine or our environment.
Read MoreMold toxicity is wide spread and linked to cancer, migraines, fog brain, skin issues and digestion disorders.
And not all mold is visible like this - mold can hide many places.
Mold - the hidden health threat in your home
Did you know that something as simple as mold is linked to migraines, "fog brain", depression, digestive disorders, skin ulcers, sinusitis, cancer, estrogen dominance, joint pain and weight problems?
Yes, the symptoms (1,2,3,4,5,6) range widely and which we develop depends on our genetic dispositions and other biochemical imbalances in the body. Recently, an article was written in a Danish newspaper outlet about a case involving a woman who had even lost sight due to mold. And in spite of that, we cannot get tested for these things covered via the public healthcare system which we have paid more than our fair share of taxes towards. So much for socialist wellfare system. No wonder we have so many so-called "chronic disorders" when we do not offer testing to investigate possible toxins involved in these disorders. Our health care system status quo is very unscientific quite frankly.
Read MoreThe most overlooked reason why you can't absorb iodine and you can't shed the weight.
Iodine deficiency is tied to sluggish thyroid, weight gain, estrogen dominance, low iq, dry skin and brittle hair and nails along with digestive issues incl. constipation. Yes, none of these are very sexy admittedly. But fact is we have become a generation characterized by exactly these things. So it is not surprising, that iodine deficiency is epidemic. (1) The book by Dr. David Brownstein, Iodine: Why You Need It and Why You Can't Live Without It, sums up its importance:"Iodine is the most misunderstood nutrient. After 12 years of practicing medicine, I can say that it is impossible to achieve your optimal health if you do not have adequate iodine levels. I have yet to see any item that is more important for promoting health than iodine." Now we might think it is as simple as just taking iodine then, if we are deficient. That, however, is not the case. You will need to assess whether you have the nutrients involved in proper absorption of iodine i.e. selenium, magnesium, iron, tyrosine and vitamin A. Even if you check off these nutrients, there is still a chance, you won’t absorb iodine properly and will waste years trying to saturate your body’s need for this essential nutrient without any luck. This happens if you have toxic levels of certain chemicals. Perchlorate, thiocyanate and nitrate (called as major Sodium-Iodide Symporter (NIS) inhibitors) are known to competitively inhibit iodide uptake by the thyroid gland and thus, human exposure to major NIS inhibitors is a public health concern (2). NIS is something you want to pay attention to, as this symporter is responsible for the uptake of iodine in the body. If something is blocking the symporter, you will not benefit from the iodine or other supplements you might be taking. This is why I always test clients for their chemical toxic load when treating them. Simply focusing on knowing their nutrient deficiencies is not enough and will not identify the underlying reasons of why you are not absorbing your nutrients.
Read MoreWHO recognizes BURNOUT as a clinical syndrome that needs treatment
Stress and burnout can have many different causes, but they share the hormonal dysfunction characterized by imbalanced cortisol and sex-hormones. The World Health Organization has a new definition of Occupational Burnout: “A syndrome resulting from chronic stress at work that has not been successfully managed.” This new definition of burnout will be published in the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-11, which will go into effect in January 2022.
Read MoreFull day workshop Sunday 28th of April in Præstø (Danish only)
I will be doing a first-of-its-kind full day workshop, geared to give you specific strategies to pinpoint underlying causes and how to self-help tools to treat those areas yourself. This is a unique opportunity especially for those of you not able to come in for full check-ups to get my help in pinpointing cause of your cancer and gain tools to target those areas. We will mainly be focusing on natural medicine and how-to-use-food-as-medicine, but not just in regards to cancer foods, but more specifically in regards to causes of cancer and how we can rid the body of those cancer-triggering compounds.
Read MoreTalk on 2nd of April in Copenhagen
The biology of our hunger switch - beyond calorie control and gimmicky weight loss trends
New talk on 2nd of April (Copenhagen): Biology of our hunger - smart methods for lasting weight loss
For those of you in Copenhagen, I am doing a talk on The biology of Our Hunger switch - smart method for lasting weight loss. You can sign up for this talk and read more - click here (Danish only). A list of all events can be seen by clicking here - reply to this email of you want to book me for an event either in Los Angeles or Copenhagen. I will be in Los Angeles throughout April and have a pop-up office in LA 2 x yearly open for advanced lab testing, thermography, heavy-metal and mineral checkups along with tailored personalized nutrition programs based on your biochemical blueprint and health goals. Send an email by clicking here to book an appointment.
New research: Why you should NOT take turmeric (curcumin) every day!
Did you know that curcumin inhibits phase 1 detoxification? Now what exactly does this mean in terms of optimal guidelines on how to take curcumin? Well, let’s start from the beginning. There are two major detoxification pathways inside the liver cells, which are called the Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxification pathways. Phase 1 detox pathway neutralizes some toxins while converting others to forms that can then be processed by Phase 2. If Phase 2 detox is slow due to certain drugs, genetic factors or nutrient deficiency, then these intermediary forms can build up and cause damage in your body. Genetic factors can include a mutation in the MTHFR gene, which affects approx. 40% of us, making those of us with this gene mutation more vulnerable to toxic buildup. Anyway, by eating curcumin we inhibit phase 1 detox, which might be a good idea in certain instances, where we have not yet optimized phase 2 detoxification and thus do not want a buildup of toxic intermediaries hanging around especially during chemotherapy. But for optimal detoxification long-term, we should not take turmeric every day.
Read MoreWhy weak bones don't call for more calcium (the real cause of osteoporosis)
When we look at brittle bones, it almost never has to do with lack of dietary calcium, yet that is what people are told, when they go for a bone scan (Dexa scan). You cannot scan people’s bones and tell from an image that their bones are weak because they lack dietary calcium.
Read MoreHow I got into biological medicine and advanced lab testing (Danish article in ELLE magazine)
This month I am featured in ELLE magazine (Danish march month edition) on how I got into biological medicine and advanced lab testing. Some of you might know I started out working for doctors in Copenhagen and thereafter moved to New York to buy lots of painfully ridiculous stilettos (because that’s what you do in NY) and work for celebrity-doctor Dr. Braverman. Thereafter, I moved on to California, where I opened my first clinic. Education-wise I started out with a basic degree in Human Nutrition in Copenhagen and later on got certified in Switzerland in Biological Medicine, in Bioresonance in Germany, in Medical Thermography along with Clinical lab diagnostics and Ayurveda in California, along with well, the California-mandatory yoga teacher certificate. Because it’s like, if you go to LA, everyone and their grandma is a mix of life coach/yoga teacher/actor/barista/instagram model/waitress/surfer, so you might as well go with the flow.
These days I have a gorgeous clinic location in Copenhagen along with a pop-up office in Venice, LA. All labs and scans are evaluated by my American doctor team, which guarantees you a cross-disciplinary team approach when you walk through the doors.
Anyway, you can find a collection of prints and articles I have been featured in right here. I will be in Los Angeles throughout April - reply to this email to make your appointment in advance.
Read MoreComing to Los Angeles - book your appointment now
So while I have my main office in Copenhagen these days, I am in Venice, Los Angeles annually to see clients - dates of my next LA visit are: April 5th - April 20th 2019. I will be seeing clients from 10AM - 4PM. You can reply to this email to book your appointment now. If you are a new client and want to know more about what a top-to-toe health check-up entails click here. This year has been super busy and super good for me. I have done a ton of stuff, attended more ongoing education in the fields of biofeedback in Germany and also clinical courses in heavy metals and detoxification methods which has enhanced my own skills in how to best treat various health issues. I have written for various fashion and health magazines and talked at the Danish Cancer Conference in November. I have had significant better treatment results with cancer and autoimmune disorders the last couple years, because new laboratory testing has been developed, which has enabled us to pinpoint the cause of these devastating diseases. That means we can finally start understanding WHY people are sick and treat that - instead of getting lost in the ripple-down effects.
Read MoreLooks delicious…
but after a week you’ll be screaming for a piece of fruit.
Why the Keto diet spells disaster for breastcancer
One of the largest studies to date on the keto diet and breast cancer recently came out and showed clearly: NO you should not forego fruit, potatoes, legumes, and whole grains in order to load up on fat and more fat on the current keto-craze, if you want to have the best survival rate when it comes to breast cancer. Now why might that be?
Read MoreMercury poisoning is epidemic in everyone over 40+.
Dental fillings - even if they have been removed - being one of the main causes.
What hormone issues, weight gain, digestive issues and mental health have in common.
I can’t stand the word detox frankly. Yet I use it more than any other word in my practice these days. It is one of the core things I do today, because the lab testing I do is repeatedly showing that most issues you guys are coming in with are due to blockages in the system due to various accumulated toxins. Most symptoms can be traced back to different toxins that are interfering with the body’s ability to function and repair normally. Sidenote: For those of you who were at my talk in Øksnehallen in Copenhagen Sunday 30th of September I am attaching handouts for the talk as promised - click here to download the notes (DANISH only).
Read More