Register for this Danish-only event 6th of August via facebook group “Danish Biohacker Society” here: and click here to read more about the event.
Read MoreHow I boost my immune health: article interview in online magazine To The Moon, Honey (Danish only)
DANISH ONLY ONLINE WEBINAR 8th of august: Eat to beat cancer: veganism, keto-diets and more
8th of august we will be discussing the latest trends, fads and science regarding nutrition in cancer treatment. This webinar is in Danish only. Click on to register and read more about this webinar.
Read MoreThe best aluminium-free deodorants article interview (Danish only)
I am interviewed by online magazine about health issues surrounding heavy metals and common beauty products that spell disaster for our health and long-term beauty. Did you know that aluminium (present amongst other things in most deodorants) is linked to Alzheimer’s, infertility and breast cancer risk? This interview is in Danish only. Click on to read it.
Read MoreMy talk from The Cancer Conference (Danish only)
In 2018 I was a keynote speaker at The Cancer Conference Copenhagen amongst some of Denmark’s most famous doctors incl. Claus Hancke and Carsten Vagn-Hansen. I presented the topic “Treating the cause vs. the symptoms” which you can watch in addition to the video with the panel discussion afterwards, where I answered questions from 4:33 minutes in and onwards. Both videos are in Danish only.
Read MoreNew study reveals Denmark's water supply is spilling over with pesticides
One of the key things I test the majority of my clients for are pesticides. Many Danish doctors in Denmark call this “alternative”. I use CLIA-accredited laboratories by the way - and you can see a before and after case study of how chemicals from drinking water were messing with a client of mine in a post dated March 3rd 2020. She noted she felt a difference shortly after installing a shower filter even! Let me be clear: there is nothing “alternative” about testing for substances known to cause infertility, disrupt hormones and much more. However, it is VERY alternative, to say the least, that we are not recommended to test for pesticides when we go to a health check at our primary care physician. How on earth are they going to treat those myriad of symptoms associated with pesticide toxicity, if they don’t even know how to test for it? Or better yet would be to understand the need for collaboration in heath care today - both acute symptom-mangement is absolutely needed along with a more cause-oriented approach to prevent disease in the future. One without the other is useless. The conventional health care system today is by far the most “alternative” solution to health problems. It is indeed quite “alternative” to treat infertility with huge doses of synthetic hormones, rather than test for hormone disrupting substances firstly at least. A new study from the environmental agency of Denmark just released this report here of how we are literally drowning in pesticides. Yet no one is talking about the importance of TESTING people so we can treat them accordingly. Read the Danish article about the matter here:
Read MoreEmilia Van Hauen writes about current health epidemics we are facing
Danish bestselling author and media personality, Emilia van Hauen, had a health check done at the clinic a few months ago. She writes here in an article in the Danish newspaper Jyllandsposten about epidemics that plague our society - in addition to the current catastrophic situation we are in the middle of, which hopefully can, on a more positive note, help act as an eye opener to change other “silent” health-damaging areas of our society today (Danish only):
Read MoreWomen's breast health and hormones: Client case before and after
Here is another client case which shows significant improvement in as little as 4 months (October to February). Left side is “before” which shows how hormonal disrupting substances are affection her breast tissue and right side shows “after” and reveals drastic improvement. Now this client is also a type-A client, she does everything to the dot and follows-through - reaping the results in short time. In the initial consultation we also lab tested her for hormonal disrupting substances as a thermography scan doesn’t tell WHY, it only tells what things look like in the body - general inflammation and health status. And to treat the cause and not the symptoms, we want to keep asking “why” questions until there are no more questions to ask - so we asked why there might be showing hormonal imbalances in her breast tissue. And that led us to want to test for hormone disrupting substances such as mycotoxins.
Read MoreClient case study: before and after
"Test don't guess" applies to any health matter - but the key question remains whether we are testing for trickle down effects or causative factors? What we choose to test for will shape how succesful our treatment outcome in the long run is - symptom management vs. treating the cause.
Read MoreHow to best boost your immune health
Step 1 to ensure that one's immune system is strong is always to ensure we do not have underlying toxicity problem, as bacteria and viruses thrive in environments affected by i.e. heavy metals. Obviously we can’t detox a chemical problem or heavy metal toxicity in a week, this is something we should be addressing for the long run to prevent future issues and not last minute. So note to self to get sorted out, if you have not done that yet. I am finding tons of people walking around with chronic issues yet not having gotten sorted out properly in regards to these issues being linked to mold, pesticides, chemicals, heavy metals and so forth.
Read MoreNew research shows promise for detoxing mercury
Mercury is still one of the heavy metals that takes a long time to detoxify with the remedies we know today - that is, if we want to do it safely and not risk redistributing it around our body and brain. Redistribution is a major concern with some of the methods widely used today i.e. DMPS and DMSA along with taking chlorella alone (must always be taken with another thiol-containing substance such as cilantro, as it is not stable for detox purposes taken alone). Important to be aware that approx. 30% of people can't tolerate chlorella very well, which might be due to optimized function of the enzyme cellulase. If you are unable to tolerate chlorella, one might consider adding an enzyme with cellulase in it to help digest the chlorella. Recently more and more studies with chitosan, however, seem to show that this substance may be more effective for mercury. On a sidenote: I will be in Los Angeles March + April, where I can be booked for talks, workshops etc. Check out examples of some of the previous talks I’ve done by clicking right here >>
Read MoreDr. Boyd Haley PhD explains the limitations of detox chelators DMSA, DMPS + EDTA
Detoxing is a complex matter and needs to be customized to the individual. And most importantly, we need to be aware of the limitations of the methods we choose to use. In this video one of the pioneers in the field, Dr. Boyd Haley explains the limitations of synthetic detox chelators DMSA, DMPS and EDTA.
Read MoreIs going meatless a game-changer?
Y’all have probably already seen the movie making its rounds on Netflix: Game Changer. Now this is not going to be an in-depth analysis of everything that’s wrong or right with this movie with scientific references to back it up. Because here’s the deal: you can find scientific studies on almost anything to back up your agenda. The problem with the majority of science today is it is deliberately designed to make for a specific outcome due to vested interests (one of the movie producers of Game Changer sells pea protein for a living, just saying). So the solution is to use your brain and consider whether things make sense. Logical reasoning is something we don’t use very much anymore, to the point where we will almost believe anything if the sentence “science” follows. There is a huge difference between whether the “so-called science” is done on men, women, old, young, athletes, overweight, underweight, someone with a history of addiction or just your plain old average sedentary Joe. These segments do not share the same biochemical blueprint nor do they metabolize foods the same way and their requirements to perform optimally for their life is very different.
Read MoreUsing infrared sauna therapy as a treatment method.
Infrared sauna therapy is a standard part of most of the detoxification programs I make for the purpose of ridding the body of nasty stuff we find through lab testing, such as chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals and mycotoxins. All of these compounds are linked to various chronic health issues, such as migraines, infertility, digestive disorders, joint pain, brain fog, along with more serious, like cancer, autoimmunity, hormone disorders. These are signs, most often, that the body is collapsing from toxic load and needs help. The body doesn’t just get sick out of nowhere - it gets sick when there are blockages present - mental such as stress and biochemical such as toxic load. I use infrared sauna therapy in combo with taking binders for the toxins found, because there is scientific evidence that this method works to detoxify. That it works can be seen in the subsequent laboratory testing. Yes, we like to work based on facts and evaluate progress based on numbers and not ideas, beliefs and food religions. Health care should be fact based, not general ideas or theories or one-size-fits-all diets just to sell books. Detoxing through gimmick diets and juice fasting does not rid the body of toxins - it only temporarily solves constipation issues in the colon. You cannot medically detox without knowing WHAT you need to detox from, the minerals needed to facilitate detox, understanding whether the cell membranes are functioning or need to be repaired. If our cell membranes are damaged, we cannot absorb nutrients optimally nor can we detox properly. Many steps and individual assessments go into detoxing properly if it is to work. Most, if not all, chronic health issues today are tied to toxicity to some degree. Yes, virus, retrovirus, fungi, parasites and bacteria are almost always involved also. But unless the body has a opportunistic environment, these opportunistic pathogens will in the majority of cases not be able to affect the individual. In just one out of many studies they concluded "Increasing evidence suggests that IR can carry out photostimulation and photobiomodulation effects particularly benefiting neural stimulation, wound healing, and cancer treatment ... Clinical evidence has demonstrated that IR can selectively induce cell death by apoptosis, necrosis and anoikis." So which key things are you looking for if you want to get an infrared sauna yourself?
Read MoreMold - the hidden health threat in your home
Did you know that something as simple as mold is linked to migraines, "fog brain", depression, digestive disorders, skin ulcers, sinusitis, cancer, estrogen dominance, joint pain and weight problems?
Yes, the symptoms (1,2,3,4,5,6) range widely and which we develop depends on our genetic dispositions and other biochemical imbalances in the body. Recently, an article was written in a Danish newspaper outlet about a case involving a woman who had even lost sight due to mold. And in spite of that, we cannot get tested for these things covered via the public healthcare system which we have paid more than our fair share of taxes towards. So much for socialist wellfare system. No wonder we have so many so-called "chronic disorders" when we do not offer testing to investigate possible toxins involved in these disorders. Our health care system status quo is very unscientific quite frankly.
Read MoreThe most overlooked reason why you can't absorb iodine and you can't shed the weight.
Iodine deficiency is tied to sluggish thyroid, weight gain, estrogen dominance, low iq, dry skin and brittle hair and nails along with digestive issues incl. constipation. Yes, none of these are very sexy admittedly. But fact is we have become a generation characterized by exactly these things. So it is not surprising, that iodine deficiency is epidemic. (1) The book by Dr. David Brownstein, Iodine: Why You Need It and Why You Can't Live Without It, sums up its importance:"Iodine is the most misunderstood nutrient. After 12 years of practicing medicine, I can say that it is impossible to achieve your optimal health if you do not have adequate iodine levels. I have yet to see any item that is more important for promoting health than iodine." Now we might think it is as simple as just taking iodine then, if we are deficient. That, however, is not the case. You will need to assess whether you have the nutrients involved in proper absorption of iodine i.e. selenium, magnesium, iron, tyrosine and vitamin A. Even if you check off these nutrients, there is still a chance, you won’t absorb iodine properly and will waste years trying to saturate your body’s need for this essential nutrient without any luck. This happens if you have toxic levels of certain chemicals. Perchlorate, thiocyanate and nitrate (called as major Sodium-Iodide Symporter (NIS) inhibitors) are known to competitively inhibit iodide uptake by the thyroid gland and thus, human exposure to major NIS inhibitors is a public health concern (2). NIS is something you want to pay attention to, as this symporter is responsible for the uptake of iodine in the body. If something is blocking the symporter, you will not benefit from the iodine or other supplements you might be taking. This is why I always test clients for their chemical toxic load when treating them. Simply focusing on knowing their nutrient deficiencies is not enough and will not identify the underlying reasons of why you are not absorbing your nutrients.
Read MoreFull day workshop Sunday 28th of April in Præstø (Danish only)
I will be doing a first-of-its-kind full day workshop, geared to give you specific strategies to pinpoint underlying causes and how to self-help tools to treat those areas yourself. This is a unique opportunity especially for those of you not able to come in for full check-ups to get my help in pinpointing cause of your cancer and gain tools to target those areas. We will mainly be focusing on natural medicine and how-to-use-food-as-medicine, but not just in regards to cancer foods, but more specifically in regards to causes of cancer and how we can rid the body of those cancer-triggering compounds.
Read MoreWhy weak bones don't call for more calcium (the real cause of osteoporosis)
When we look at brittle bones, it almost never has to do with lack of dietary calcium, yet that is what people are told, when they go for a bone scan (Dexa scan). You cannot scan people’s bones and tell from an image that their bones are weak because they lack dietary calcium.
Read MoreComing to Los Angeles - book your appointment now
So while I have my main office in Copenhagen these days, I am in Venice, Los Angeles annually to see clients - dates of my next LA visit are: April 5th - April 20th 2019. I will be seeing clients from 10AM - 4PM. You can reply to this email to book your appointment now. If you are a new client and want to know more about what a top-to-toe health check-up entails click here. This year has been super busy and super good for me. I have done a ton of stuff, attended more ongoing education in the fields of biofeedback in Germany and also clinical courses in heavy metals and detoxification methods which has enhanced my own skills in how to best treat various health issues. I have written for various fashion and health magazines and talked at the Danish Cancer Conference in November. I have had significant better treatment results with cancer and autoimmune disorders the last couple years, because new laboratory testing has been developed, which has enabled us to pinpoint the cause of these devastating diseases. That means we can finally start understanding WHY people are sick and treat that - instead of getting lost in the ripple-down effects.
Read MoreWhat hormone issues, weight gain, digestive issues and mental health have in common.
I can’t stand the word detox frankly. Yet I use it more than any other word in my practice these days. It is one of the core things I do today, because the lab testing I do is repeatedly showing that most issues you guys are coming in with are due to blockages in the system due to various accumulated toxins. Most symptoms can be traced back to different toxins that are interfering with the body’s ability to function and repair normally. Sidenote: For those of you who were at my talk in Øksnehallen in Copenhagen Sunday 30th of September I am attaching handouts for the talk as promised - click here to download the notes (DANISH only).
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