A 3 step approach to customized nutrition

Customized nutrition is matched to your biochemical blueprint - that's beyond diet fads and gimmicks. We all need to understand our biochemistry to nourish our health and avoid triggers unique for our body. No Size Fits All - No Diet Will Ever Fit All. I don't care if it's vegan, paleo, Dr Whatever's diet - there is no such thing as one-fits-all. The only way to take the guess work out of what will work for your body is to get tested.

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The most powerful herb for PMS

One of the most common issues today I see women (and actually also men!) come in with are fertility and hormone imbalances. Often they have no clue of the issue at play, due to the fact that standard ordered blood labs are an incredibly poor testing method of hormone markers: it will both measure active and inactive hormone without distinguishing

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6 nutrition strategies to aid fracture healing

So, last year I fractured my right elbow in a mountain bike incident; too bad cause I have always wanted to pick up skateboarding. However, I can honestly say that this broken bone incident has put me off risking breaking anything else, which inevitably happens on a skateboard. This regardless of bone density level; bones tend just not to like kissing the asphalt at full speed very much. Super annoying, it makes you realize you are not Batman afterall.

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