A 2016 study published in PLoS One found that Botox leads to loss in tissue density and bone volume, among other side effects. In short: Botox is not harmless and seems to accelerate skin aging (thin skin) when used long-term due to its muscle weakening effect.
Read the full study here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5056741/
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This is a must see, if you are stuck on counting calories.
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A majority of clients show decreased drainage of the sinuses when they come in for a thermography scan. Not only does poor nose breathing affect brain functioning, it also impairs fat metabolism and can even negatively affect our facial features!
Many of us women will spend endless amounts of money on vanity stuff like fillers, botox, face lifting, serums and all sorts of stuff that promise to keep us young, yet the secrets to growing older gracefully and looking youthful is a reflection of our inner health. Something to many of us simply scoff at til we are desperately sick. Rarely, do we link our health to our skin elasticity, cellulite and darkness under our eyes - yet we should, because when we show signs of premature aging and early onset of graying hair this is a reflection of biochemical imbalances and nutrient deficiencies. Things that in the long run cannot simply be fixed with hair color in a bottle or a magical serum or filler.
Nose breathing (or rather lack thereof) being a prime example of something few os uf think would affect both our waistline and facial features. Yet it does.
I’ve been custom-blending nose oil mixtures for all my clients showing impaired nasal breathing containing custom blends of essential oil with grapefruit seed extract in order to combat biofilm, mold spores and research has shown that it also is helpful against viral issues incl. covid. And this makes sense since the primary rout of exposure is through our respiratory organs. Click on to read the study.
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Did you know that too much Omega-3 actually impairs the immune system's ability to kill pathogens, thus increasing viral pathogen burden? Yes, many of us think that the more fish oil the better, but as with anything: too much of a good thing is just not a good thing anymore and - surprise - actually proinflammatory!
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I’m interviewed in Vogue Scandinavia about the benefits of D-vitamin for our skin health. Did you know this sun-vitamin (actually hormone) not only helps to boost our immune system against viruses and cancer, but also linked to anti-aging properties and smoother skin due to its collagen boosting effect? Click here to read it. Feel free to share.
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Recently I read yet another post from one of the more famous health and nutrition influencers claiming that bread and beans are “inflammatory” and should be avoided by all who wants health. This is one of the most stubborn health myths around, as everyone and their grandma has gone glutenfree these days. And unfortunately many self-claimed health gurus keep pushing this bad science. The majority of the people pushing this have zero education in nutrition, and it shows. They may be great medical doctors, good chiropractors or just savvy businessmen, who now make a living off selling health gadgets after their own history of burn-out. However, this does not make their insight into nutritional biochemistry great - just like I shouldn’t go around offering surgery on everyone and sundry just cause I saw a youtube video about it. That would be pretty crazy, frankly. And I also think it is pretty crazy for everyone to wake up and write books and blogs about nutrition with zero educational background or in-clinic training. There are a lot of issues with this type of bad science being promoted.
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Should you cut out wine this year or is red wine really healthy? (I am interviewed for an article in Vogue Scandinavia).
Well, sort of and sort of not.
We know that happiness adds to longevity, and that a glass of red wine can add to that sense of relaxation and ease the tension. And that's a fine reason to drink a glass with your dinner 3-4 x week. but don't drink it for the resveratrol though. And also: if a slice of double chocolate cake does it for you, then cake is just as good as a glass of vino. Life is too short to be miserable and only eat salad (and that is not healthy for you anyway!)- and happiness does add years to our life. So live your life and drink that glass with your dinner, if it makes you happy (but not everyday - yeah, I still had to kill the party like that). Read full article here: https://www.voguescandinavia.com/articles/we-investigate-if-red-wine-is-really-the-healthiest-tipple-in-the-bar-and-why-we-should-drink-like-those-in-blue-zones and feel free to share it.
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Everything in life is about timing. We know this intuitively - we can have the right credentials, but if we present ourselves to a potential business opportunity at the wrong time, we lose out. We can meet “the right person” at “the wrong time” - and we miss out.
I’d say the most important thing in life is neither talent nor hard work, but mastering the art of timing.
This essentially means we can get away with working smarter rather than harder in life at whatever goal it is we want. This doesn’t mean lazy, it just means understanding how to roll with resistance and surf on the waves, rather than swim against them and end up utterly burnt out. Which is, inevitable what many A-type personalities do: they keep at it til they are completely beyond exhaustion. While hard work can be admirable, there is nothing admirable about working yourself through to the bone. Life is supposed to be fun and we want to thrive.
And if we want that, the single most important thing to learn is how everything in life revolves around timing.
This applies especially to our body - how it secretes digestive enzymes and hormones at certain times throughout the day. How eating too much too late can interfere with proper detoxification at night and deep sleep. These are proven today to be irrefutable facts according to modern science and its study in circadian rhythm. Ironically this advice has been around since ancient time according to Ayurvedic teachings.
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I am interviewed for Vogue Scandinavia about facts and myths of hangover cures. Read full article here if you are a member of Vogue: https://www.voguescandinavia.com/articles/because-we-know-you-need-ithere-are-the-best-hangover-cures or if you are not a member you can read it in pdf here. Feel free to share it.
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I am interviewed for an article in Vogue Scandinavia about Vitamin C and skin beauty - you can read it by clicking here. Feel free to share.
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There has been a lot of buzz surrounding going all-in vegan aka plant-based. A popular Netflix doc was made showing how athletes reported greater endurance, performance and so forth when switching over to a plant-based diet.
And this totally makes sense.
However, this led non-athletes to believe that they should copy the eating pattern of athletes, because “obviously“ this was showing to be the ideal way to eat.
Now this totally does not make sense.
Athletes typically have an energy demand of around 8000-10000 calories daily and require 1-1.5g of protein pr. kg. bodyweight. An average Joe might have an energy demand of around 2000-3000 calories daily and still require 1-1.5g of protein for optimal appetite control, bone health and muscle growth.
The athlete is thus needing to eat 3-5 x as many calories to meet their energy demand, yet their protein demand is about the same as your average Joe. This means the athlete is going to benefit from eating more plant-based food because they can easily reach their protein requirements from plants alone due to the high volume they are taking in daily.
Now if you downsize that food to about a quarter which meets the energy demand for the average Joe, you’re going to have great difficulty meeting your protein needs. And this will affect your overall health negatively: often weightloss resistance, cravings, muscle-loss, bone-loss and sagging skin even.
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I'm talking to personal trainer Rocky Snyder about how mental health, hormone imbalance and men's health issues more than ever is tied to toxicity issues (also lots of crazy facial expressions going on here, but hey, I just had a double-dipped chocolate croissant, so probably a sugar-high, what can I say).
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Science cannot create life. Only life can create life. Obviously, there is a difference. Supplements food-based, isolated or synthetic, has detracted from the most important part of health and healing. The basics of proper diet, exercise, detoxification, structure, mental/emotional and spiritual health must all be in order for true healing to occur. No supplement will work on its own if these foundations are not in place. However, even when these foundations are in place, or if the situation is acute enough to necessitate a more immediate treatment response, supplement support may still be needed for a while. You may also want to take one or more food-based supplements to ensure you are getting an adequate array of nutrients in your diet. When these situations arise, it is recommend food-based supplements be your first choice. How to known whether or not a supplement good choice? For starters, make sure it has the following characteristics: it is as close as possible to its natural form. The utmost care has been taken in all phases of its production, from growing its ingredients, to manufacturing, testing for potency and quality control. Select from companies that have a long track record of providing high quality products that produce good clinical results. Most vitamins sold are not food. They are synthetically processed petroleum and/or hydrogenated sugar extracts, even if they say “natural” on the label.
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Glucosamine and chondroitin are one of the supplements that always seem to be recommended for joint issues and should work in theory. But theory is not always what happens in real life. I have not seen real results with this in clinic and have been hesitant to recommend it, as research is sketchy and positive feedback as well. In a study in The New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found that a full 6 months of supplementation with glucosamine and chondroitin was NO BETTER THAN A PLACEBO.
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I had pleasure of talking with Erik Levi, the host of Holistic Nootropics podcast about how toxicity is ruining our health today. I love how Erik Levi talks to a lot of very different people, who have different opinions about health which makes for a super balanced podcast experience - he’s had legendary Dr. James Greenblatt (eating disorder specialist) on his show along with Dr. Kurt Woeller (all things lab related expert) to name just two of my favorite people
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A European medical study found that approx. 62% of adults whom doctors examined had an average of 10-12 pounds of residual fecal matter buildup in their large intestines and rectums. Even people who had a bowel movement daily were at risk for accumulating old fecal matter. The majority of my clients I start of putting on a variety of herbal supplements including mimosa pudica which literally scrubs the gut and gets rids of old fecal matter and biofilm. It smells utterly disgusting the first couple months when people go to the restroom, because old bacteria and rotten fecal matter is being expelled. But better that, than having this stuff inside our gut, creating chronic inflammation and inhibiting our ability to absorb nutrients. We are NOT what we eat, if we can’t absorb it. And if the walls of our gut is insulated with a layer of old fecal matter, we have created a haven for inflammatory conditions, pathogenic bacteria, parasites etc. If we do not remove this, but rather focus on treating the situations created by this toxic environment, we will never get to the root of the cause. We will stay stuck in symptom-management: taking stuff for our bacteria balance, getting rid of fungus growth or focusing on killing the parasites etc. All of which need to be addressed, but if the environment in which these things thrive is not cleaned up, it is all in vain, and will not last in the long-term whenever we stop “treatment”. We are NOT supposed to be stuck in need of constant treatment - we are supposed to treat the core issues and then be able to finally live a normal life. Read the study here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16009067/
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Click on to watch the replay of the webinar I did for ASmallWorld members right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDu6RD8UdRw&t=118s Feel free to share it.
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The Succesful Body is about understanding health from every angle and finding our weakest link - whether that be mental, physical, spiritual or a combination. I wrote a chapter about how toxins today have contributed to an epidemic of chronic illness. Many don’t realize that toxins wreak havoc on the gut and are linked to digestive disorders, brain fog and the list goes on. A lot of blame has been placed on gluten, but the problem might not be gluten as much as damaged gut due to other factors, we rarely think about.. Probiotics and restrictive diets won’t cure much, if the underlying toxicity isn’t solved. In the world we live in today, so-called clean eating and exercise just isn’t cutting it anymore. We are living in a world with completely new health challenges that needs to be addressed, if we are to thrive in the skin we are in while eating double layered chocolate cake, cos life is too short not to eat cake.. You can get the book on amazon here for Europe: click to get the book and here for The US: click to get the book.
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When we want to improve our health, we oftentimes spend all our time focusing on one aspect of our health. And this aspect may not be the one which is causing the health imbalance. This is why “test don’t guess” becomes super important - we want to know our weaknesses and also what our body nutritionally needs (protein/fats/(carbs/vitamin/minerals etc.). If we don’t know the facts, then we might be missing the boat completely. It is super unscientific to guess what will make an impact on our health. Health is not simply “move more and eat more greens”. Everyone knows that, yet many of us who follow that basic recommendation, are not at all healthy. We struggle with abdominal fat, infertility issues, fragile bones, migraines, digestive upset whenever we are not eating bland diet foods and in worst case, we get cancer. The key here is to understand the many different factors today that affect health and pin-point which are relevant for our specific situation. We want to focus on our weakest link. Quite often that has nothing to do with eating glutenfree or skipping cake.
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How do we navigate a toxic world and what is most important? Join Christina Santini, Human Nutrition and Biological Medicine practitioner to find out what it is our bodies actually need to detox from and how to do it.
ASMALLWORLD Members are invited to join an online webinar on "The Essential Role of Detoxification in Modern Life" with guest speaker Christina Santini as part of our ASMALLWORLD Webinars Series.
Tune in to this Zoom Webinar for ASmallWorld members on Tuesday, March 2nd at 20:00 CET (20:00 Zurich, 19:00 London, 14:00 New York).
To join live click here (membership required).
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